Chapter 1 The Bubbler

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Marinette's POV.

Marinette's Ladybug instincts were kicking in. She was with Alya, Nino, and Adrein strolling in the park. But right now all she could see was a bright light, a really bright light. Is this some akuma? What am I going to do?

Adrien's POV.

Adrien's Chat Noir instincts were kicking in. He was with Alya, Nino, and shy Marinette. But all he could see was the bright light surrounding them that was quite familiar to his transformation sequence. Except it was pink, not green. Was this some akuma? He needed to make sure his lady was safe.

Marinette's POV.

When she could see again they were standing in a theatre. Marinette noticed that they weren't alone. She instantly recognized her parents, who were looking as confused as she was. There was also Master Fu talking to a girl she didn't recognize, but she couldn't act like she knew him, so she walked over to her parents.

"Oh Marinette! Thank goodness you're safe! Where are we?" said Marinette's mom, Sabine.

"I can answer that." said the girl. "You are in another dimension, a dimension where magic exists."

"That's right." said Master Fu.

"WHO ARE YOU? You're not some akuma, are you?! If you are you're not going to hurt my daughter!" exclaimed Marinette's dad, Tom, while he stepped instinctively in front of Marinette.

"Oh no! I'm not an akuma. I can't even leap or vault like a supervillain, see?" the strange girl jumped about 6 inches off the ground. "My name is Estée. I come from another world, a world where you are in a TV show that's fake. But I knew that you existed in another world so, by dimensional travel I found your world so I could take you to a dimension where you could watch the show. (I don't really think that peeps! It just worked for the story!) I can't wait for my ship to sail, so I've been dimensionally talking to Master Fu here and we think It's time you know who Ladybug and Chat Noir are." said Estée.

"That's right." Master Fu said. "We will also tell you who Rena Rouge and Carapace are."

Marinette was feeling alright now. (So was Adrien.) If Master Fu knew what was going on, this wasn't an akuma.

Everyone's POV.

"I'd like to get started as soon as we can. So would you all take a seat?" Estée announced.

They all complied. This is how it went: Estée, Master Fu, Tom, Sabine, Marinette, Alya, Nino, and Adrien. Then Estée hit play.

Marinette: (wakes up) Huh? Happy birthday-- ow! (She jumps down the stairs and hits her chaise.) Happy birthday! (She gets on her computer and turns it on, revealing her desktop background to be a collage of Adrien Agreste's pictures.) Ah! Happy birthday, Adrien. (She makes kissing noises towards the screen.)

(Adrien thinking.) Wait, Marintte likes me?!

Marinette groans and buries her face in her hands. Adrien cannot be seeing this!

Scene: Adrien's bathroom. Adrien is brushing his teeth.

Plagg: Happy birthday, Adrien! (Brings a piece of Camembert cheese wrapped with a red bow.)

"What is that?" asks Tom.

"You'll find out," siad Master Fu.

Marinette had looked up at her father's voice. What she saw made her eyes bulge. It was Plagg, Chat Noir's kwami, talking to Adrien. That must mean Adrien is Chat Noir! Her face blanched. Chat Noir (ADRIEN) had a crush on Ladybug, which was her! She had rejected him several times! She buried her face in her hands once again and just sat there.

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