Chapter 8

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With ease, Butterfree dodged the vines and headed straight for Bulbasaur with a bug bite attack. Before Butterfree could land a hit on Bulbasaur, the dual grass and poison type erected an emerald shield in front of himself. Butterfree ended up slamming into the shield.

"Are you okay Butterfree?" Ash called out. Butterfree regained himself and nodded an affirmative towards Ash.

"Use gust."

Butterfree flapped his wings, causing a gust of wind to be swept towards Bulbasaur. Bulbasaur dodged the attack before responding with razor leaf. Butterfree was able to evade it, but could not evade the vine whip that slammed into it and sent it flying. Butterfree was able to recover itself and waited for Ash's nedt command.

"Use confusion."

Butterfree used the psychic attack that ended up scoring a direct hit on Bulbasaur, and also confusing him. Bulbasaur was confused, but before Ash could capitalize on the confusion, Bulbasaur whipped himself with vine whip, snapping itself out of confusion.

"That is one smart Bulbasaur. Butterfree use stun spore."

Butterfree flapped his wings as he sent yellow spores at Bulbasaur. Bulbasaur grinned before sending the spores back with petal dance. Butterfree instinctively flew out of the reach of both stun spore and petal dance, but was slammed by Bulbasaur's power whip.

"Butterfree!" Ash shouted.

Butterfree slowly flew up and eyed a grinning Bulbasaur. Bulbasaur proceeded to taunt Butterfree into attacking by using his vines to make the "come get me" gesture.

"Don't let him get to you Butterfree. Use silver wind."

Butterfree flapped his wings so fast that he summoned twin pair of winds that were stronger than gust. They slammed into Bulbasaur and sent the grass type sailing through the air, before landing on the ground, hard. Butterfree took on a red glow as all his stats were increased.

Bulbasaur got up with a growl, feeling a little bit of pain from the super-effective move. Bulbasaur used vine whip to slam the ground, launching himself at Butterfree.

"Meet him with wing attack."

Butterfree shot off towards Bulbasaur, intent on slamming him with his wings. Butterfree collided with Bulbasaur but before they broke contact, Bulbasaur used sleep powder and Butterfree inhaled it.

On inhaling the powder, Buttefree dozed off. Ash could only yell for Butterfree to wake up as Bulbasaur unleashed a barrage of vine whip attacks. After the relentless assault from Bulbasaur, Butterfree began to stir. As Bulbasaur saw this, he resumed his attack.

After landing a single hit on Butterfree, Bulbasaur began to glow, but it stopped its attack to fight the glow. Ash saw this as an opening.

"Butterfree use psybeam."

The beam of psychic energy slammed into a preoccupied Bulbasaur and sent him sailing through the air.

"Catch him with string shot and finish with wing attack."

Before Bulbasaur could recover from the psybeam attack, he was covered with a strong web from Butterfree and was tossed into the air. Butterfree mustered up the last of its energy and launched itself at Bulbasaur, delivering a powerful wing attack to the face of Bulbasaur. Before impact, Bulbasaur had released a cloud of purple powder that Butterfree inhaled. The power behind the wing attack sent Bulbasaur crashing to the ground with a loud thud.

Butterfree was soon covered in a purple glow indicating that he was poisoned. Using those attacks in a row had taken a huge toll on Butterfree and he was left weakened. He flew down to Ash and the others before he was enveloped with a purple glow. The poison kicked in and Butterfree's world became dark. He was knocked out.

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