chapter two

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Hello everybody it me diamond here back with a another chapter but I not go start on it because I hangout with my family right now so the story be move on tomorrow so yet have nice day. Get me seven minutes do it.
Nobody pov:

The family getting ready to start the day off for work except for julieta and agustin they was change mirabel  band aid and make should she still breath after that  they went downstairs with the rest of the family at that table julieta went to the kitchen and Agustin sit down in the chair after that julieta come out of the kitchen with the food and alma start to say something. Okay family you know to day it a special day for the family because tonight is lsabella and Mariano engaged dolores alma said I think it wonderful pepa said okay family you know what to do today alma said but where  is mirabel antonio said  she got hurt really bad last night julieta said it she go be okay Antonio asked we don't know yet but for now she still breath julieta said okay then I be with my father Antonio said leave the room. Long will the rest of the family.
I going to do did part of the story different I try my best to do it.

Mirabel: Where am i and what is this place is.

Thing: You are inside you head little girl.

Mirabel: who are you and what do want for me.

Thing: I is the thing going to help you to  proved you family you be strong.

Mirabel: I don't want to make the family proud I want to leave and you been not touch my family.

Thing: listen here you little girl I say I going help you and anyway it go I still be with you.

Mirabel: okay but you really is you (mind get angry)

The things wake out of the shadows look right at mirabel  can't believe because thing look just like her but with red eyes. Thing come come to mirabel face start to say something.

Thing: I is you but a better you it time to wake up!

Mirabel pov:

After that nightmare I woke fast in a hurry with sweat on my face I look around the room with I see I inside the nursey I put my hand on my head ask myself what is that thing and why do look like me but I know I need to do some thing before it happen so I start to get up really slow to try not hurt myself little more after that I walk to my dress to put out a purple shirt and brown pants after that I start to walk to my front door  to go outside the room. I walk downstairs to the dinner table room to see my family there but I find nobody I tell in my head probably be do they work now so I get so food start hay back upstairs to my bedroom after get there I sit at my table with a piece of paper and pen and eat the food after that I write my plan I look at it say to myself did good idea and I know where to put it at I just need to get the things after that I hide my plan inside my desk and walk back to bed with book in my hand start to read it. After be nine minutes reading the book I finally put it down on the bed because I start feel little dizzy so I decided take little nap
Ending of chapter two hello everybody it go to be short because I save rest of the part of the story for chapter three do yet have good night or good day. And mirabel plan is to build a underground I be show it chapter.

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⏰ Last updated: May 10, 2024 ⏰

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