Way Too Long| Ghost | Angst/Fluff

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Nothing in this world could have prepared him.

The first moment he realized you were missing he searched, and searched for your body. Needing that conclusion to know you were at rest, but they all found no trace.

Everything shattered when he read the report. The MIA next to your name. Knowing that you're still out there haunts his dreams. Nights turn to endless torture. His head reminding him of how he didn't protect you enough.

He can barely control his anger without you to call him down. Oh how he needs your sweet touch, soft voice, and gentle eyes. You were too sweet for this world and he knew it. Fuck he wishes he put his food down on letting you come in the first place.

You were just a medic. A sweet soul with a want of helping others. That's how the two of you meant. He couldn't help but be swayed by your gentle touch as you stitched up his side. The sweet small talk even if he didn't talk back. Ever since that first meeting he couldn't help but purposely hurt himself just to come see you again, but once you found out gosh did he get a reprimand.

Even as you scowled at him he thought you were so cute. Having to crane your neck to look up at him. Your small pout and soft hands on your waste.

"You sure are feisty for being so small." He watches as your brows furrow. "But gosh are you cute." The bright blush on your face reduces your whole tough guy face to a flustered mess.

He still remembers the first time he kissed you. His eyes watching from the doorway of your office as you work yourself half to death.

"C'mon, love. Your sweet little head needs some rest." His hands dance along your shoulders as he slightly massages your tense muscles.

"Im fine Ghosty. I just have to get this done." He chuckles at the nickname.

"You can get it done in the morning." You squeal as he picks you up, leading you out of the med bay and to your room.

"Ghooosssttt!!" Your small fists pound on his broad shoulders, just making him chuckle.

He gently pushes open your door with his foot before moving and throwing you on the bed. You huff as he stands in front of you, your legs swung over the edge of the bed. A pout on your pretty lips and your arms crosses.

"Your mean."

He huffs out a chuckle. "And you're adorable."

Your cheeks burn, but they burn even more at feeling the touch of his rough hand on your cheek. His fingers tilting your head up to his. He slowly rolls up his mask past his nose with his other hand, eyes scanning yours for discomfort before leaning down and pressing his surprisingly soft lips to yours.

He remembers you telling him not to go too far. Telling him how you're waiting for marriage. He smiles at how innocent you are before pressing his lips back to yours, yet still complying to your request.

Now here he is, begging price to give him more time to find you. Begging him not to change that dreaded MIA to KIA. He knows you're still out there. He can feel your heartbeat in his.

"Fine. But Ghost... please... find her." Price sighs and buries his face in his hands. Ghost knows how much Price cares about you. He basically thinks of you like his daughter.

"I'd never let you down sir."

The day he finally found a lead he's never been more scared in his life. He scared of what he could fine, but what he does find scares him to death.

Ghost has never felt so speechless in his life. His eyes wide in fear. Fear of someone having to go through this like he did. Fear that you won't be able to recover. Fear of how struggled your breaths are. Fear of the hooks hanging you from your ribs.

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