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(A/N: okay, I PROMISE this is the last time I reupload act 2. So sorry for constantly taking it down lol. I'm finally satisfied with everything. So, officially, here we go...)


SOFT ORANGE RAYS OF LIGHT touched the wooden walls of the cargo hold, creating warmth and comfort despite the frigid winter air. The smell of burning candles and expensive spice kept her awake. Well, it had been that and the nausea that had set in with every rock the boat gave. Mia mentally counted down the minutes it would take to reach the Avery River. After that, it was only a mere hour until Rifthold. Until she could get off this damned vessel.

"Rutting hell," she heaved, rubbing away the sweat that had built along her forehead.A metal bowl sat at her feet, metal spoon clicking against its side. That evening's meager portion had been a mistake.

Winter air lingered despite the coming spring, forcing her to keep warm in the layers of cloaks and blankets pilfered from nearby crates. Blinking as shadows danced around her, she focused on the dimming lanterns, each sway reminding her of her misery. Sleep had been a joke. Even if she hadn't been on that ship, surrounded by illegal spices and jewels, Mia supposed her mind would never calm enough to let her rest. Not with the dreams she couldn't escape, the dreams of hell and the damned. She couldn't forget Cain. Not his eyes or his army. Every shadow and scar reminded her of him.

'She was fine,' she'd often tell Dorian, giving him no room to refute. 'The mission was a success and she was fine.'

Nevermind the blood and vomit. Nevermind the fresh scars that littered her body with every mission, her terror of the future. Never mind the bodies she couldn't escape. Never mind the flames of death or the way she wished it would all just stop. She was fine. Miandia Sardothien was the king's champion. She was more than fine.

A creak sounded somewhere, thunderous footsteps following. The first night upon the voyage, she'd angled the lanterns away from her small hovel, allowing the shadows to conceal her.

"Damn guards," came a familiar thick accent, muddled and gruff, "They'll inspect the ship soon as we port."

A snort came in reply, "They'll be much too distracted by the captain to notice. "

The first voice grumbled something in reply. Peeking through a small opening, she watched as the two men shuffled about. They moved locked crates, taking inventory. A stack of fabric here, a stack of spice there. They prattled on and on about their cargo, making sure everything was accounted for. After what felt like hours in her crouched position, they turned to leave, returning to their previous conversation.

"I think this is the stupidest idea the captains ever had. They'll kill him on sight."

The taller, muscular one smirked, "Not if we're quick. "

Furrowing her brows, Mia shuffled, trying to hear their conversation better. But the men had already begun to move away, back towards the ladder and deck. She managed to hear one bark out an order to secure the lines before the hatch slammed shut. The men aboard the ship hardly did their rounds, allowing her easy access to trapeze as she'd like. Bracing herself against the rock of the ship, she took a step forward. The entire cargo hold had been stacked with crates and other trinkets. She'd already taken a gander about, but the words of the men had peaked her interest.

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