nuisance and peatle convos

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(dun dun dun!!! character interaction break!!!)

Peatle: "I'm having a party!"
Peatle: "Wanna come with me?"
Nuisance: "Ugh..."
Nuisance: "I told you this a million times!"
Nuisance: "NO!"
Peatle: "Oh..."
Peatle: "じゃあ緑の猫に聞いてみるよ." ("Well I'll ask the green cat.")

Peatle: "パーティーは最高!" ("Parties are great!")
Nuisance: "No they aren't..."
Nuisance: "Idiotic insect!"

Nuisance: "I learned your language."
Peatle: "Wowie!"
Peatle: "If you ever need lessons, just ask!"
Nuisance: "あなたが嫌いです." ("I hate you.")
Peatle: "..."
Peatle: "失礼ですね!" ("That's rude!")

Nuisance: "I should crush you..."
Nuisance: "I should make your dumb subspecies extinct!"
Peatle: "Wow..."
Peatle: "you're so dumb..."
Nuisance: "You're the dumb one!"
Peatle: "Us bugs will be here, forever."
Peatle: "You can stomp on me as many times as you want,"
Peatle: "but we will always come back..."

Nuisance: "You suck!"
Peatle: "平均." ("Mean.")

(yes i usedd translate)

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