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liz was walking down the DAINTY school hallways 😍😍, when suddenly this TALL, HANDSOME, GOREGOYS, STIUNNING man walks up. and if you know, YOU KNOW.

he looks at her "hey.. you dropped this." he said, looking into her eyes, she looks down and he quickly grabs her chin and lifts it up. "haha.." he laughed. she blushed. w rizz i guess.. aha

later that day she found herself thinking about him NON STOP.  geez who was this handsome man, strucking her heart 😱😱😱😱😱😱😱. it was non other than the popular guy himself. song. kang when she knew this information her heart beated. no way. his friends probably dared him to do that, BUT LITTLE DID SHE KNOW 😱😱😱🤯🤯🤯🤯 he liked..............


but deep down... she didnt know. she though about him ENDLESSLY. to the point where she couldnt even focus on her tasks! 😓😓😓 geez who was this fine man.

the next day she was going through her locker, when suddenly and boy closed it in her face. "did you miss me????" he said, no... way...

it was him.

song kang

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