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Taehyung's POV

I sat next to my mom the whole time, wanting him to know that I was here for him. Jimin, Jungkook, and Minjee stayed by dad's side the whole time, not wanting him to feel lonely.

"Did Yoongi and Hoseok say when they were going to be back?" I asked, noticing that Hoseok and Yoongi have been gone for two hours.

"They didn't, but I'm sure they'll be back soon. If not, I know they'll be back tomorrow." He said.

I nodded and looked over at the other three siblings again. "Don't you have to go back to the bakery?"

"The bakery is the least of my worries right now, it'll most likely be closed for the rest of the week."

I nodded again, then let out a soft sigh. I took a few days off from work, wanting to be more focus on mom and dad.

"How are things at work?" My mom asked, probably wanting to talk about something more positive.

"It's good, nothing too exciting, at least not yet." I said.

Mom smiled softly and rubbed my back. "What you do is a good thing, my sweet bear, you're helping children with their speech impediment and you're the perfect person to do it because you know what it's like to have one."

I smiled at that and looked down shyly. "Thanks, mom."

He ruffled my hair a bit, then fixed it before looking ahead at everyone. "Remember when all of you would take turns reading a bedtime story and your dad would help you read through the whole book, even if it took an extra twenty or thirty minutes to finish?" He asked.

I nodded and smiled. "I do."

"He was always so patient with all of you, better than me sometimes." He chuckled softly. "But that's what makes him a good dad." he added.

I nodded. "Yeah, he was the best dad, he still is." I said before thinking back to when dad used to help me read bedtime stories.

He would help me get through it, even if it took several minutes to get through a book that would usually take no more than five minutes to finish.


"D-Dad, I c-c-can't do it!" I cried, getting frustrated that I was stuck on the word 'goat'. Every time I got to that word, that's when my stutter started getting in the way.

"Yes you can, Taehyung, you just have to keep trying." Dad said calmly, not sounding mad or frustrated at all. "Take a deep breath and try again."

I've been stuck on the word 'goat' for so long, my brothers were already asleep, too tired to stay up and wait for me to finish the bedtime story, when was so embarrassing.

I was nine years old and still had trouble reading books that even Jungkook could read without any problems. The teachers always tell me that I'm very smart, I just have to work harder on reading.

I sighed and looked at the sentence that I was still stuck on, thanks to this stupid word that I'll never say without stuttering.

Becoming Adults [bts] *sequel to BP*Where stories live. Discover now