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Wake up


It's like a voice in my head was trying to tell me something..

I feel like..
I have to..
open my eyes..

Earlier that day..

"Noni Kimura." The teacher called out during their usual attendance.

Hesitating, I slowly raised my trembling hand.

Being a shy girl, I always dreaded attendance

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Being a shy girl, I always dreaded attendance. Last thing I wanted was to drag any attention my way...

No one really notices me anyway.
Growing up, kids would run away from me, calling me a ghost due to my pale

I'm used to feeling invisible..

As a senior in high school, I'm more than excited to finally graduate so I wouldn't have to come to school anymore.

My plans are simple..

Once I graduate, I'm just gonna kick back and relax! I'll never leave my house!
The outside world is scary anyway..

But since I still have a few months left...
I'll just have to suck it up and deal with the rest of the school year until then.

All my classmates are okay I suppose..

There's one person that i'm curious about..

He's usually absent, often switching between homeschool and regular school.
You can imagine everyone's surprise when he actually does make it to class.

His name is..

"Lio Matsumoto"
The teacher called out.
"Right here.."
The boy with shaggy black hair and hazel eyes responded with a sigh.

"Glad to see you here, finally!"
The teacher chuckled.

Lio gave him a dirty look in response.

I don't know much about him since he's rarely ever here..

All I know is that his father is the CEO of a big tech company..
So this guy's pretty rich..

But.. I've heard from others that he's just a snobby delinquent who lacks empathy.
I even heard that he blackmailed students who owed him money, and that he beats people up behind the school..

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