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Am I ..

Was that it..?
That was my poor excuse of a life..?
Hiding in the shadows, too scared to speak..

Is my life truly over..?


As my mind filled with darkness, I instantly felt ..

Like something... was off..

Suddenly, my eyes began to flutter open.

"I'm alive?!" I gasped, frantically sitting up before examining myself for any injuries I could've sustained from the collision.

I don't see blood..

As I raised my head, I quickly realized that I was in an unfamiliar place...

As I raised my head, I quickly realized that I was in an unfamiliar place

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"Where am I..?" I muttered under my breath.

From what I could tell-
I was in a run down, abandoned room with dark, dull colors.
The ambiance in this place felt extremely eerie..

"This c-can't be the afterlife.. Can it?"
I questioned.
"That would be absurd!" I gulped, carefully standing up.

Looking around, I noticed that there was a window.
"Ah-! Maybe I can see where I am!"

I quickly ran towards the window, but..
On closer examination, I noticed that something wasn't right..
It was extremely foggy outside..
And it just felt.. Empty..
"This is .. really strange.."

I turned around, noticing a mysterious door..

Stepping towards it, I cautiously reached over, opening it slowly.

Stepping towards it, I cautiously reached over, opening it slowly

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"..This place is creepy.."
I gulped, taking a deep breath before stepping into the hall.

" I gulped, taking a deep breath before stepping into the hall

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