chapter 3

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⚠️ swearing ⚠️

I couldn't help but smile abit since I just randomly thought I was gonna be a secret spy that's stalking the enemy target. Although it felt silly I smiled as I think of myself as a kid again. Oh how I miss those days.

As I clicked on the verified profile I saw a very handsome man with beautiful hazel eyes. I didn't even notice how I got in a daze by just looking at those gorgeous eyes

I was snapped out of my daze when I received an email from the secretary saying 'fill up for verifying your authorities to this job'. I sighed and slowly filled all the requirements I needed.

Name - Amelia Lyn
Age - 21
Position - photographer
Birthday - march 4 2004


After finishing those files I decided I wanted to go on an adventure before my life gets hectic with work. I had already asked mom about it and she agreed since she said I deserved it.
Packing my tote bags I headed straight to the car.

"Drive safely dear!" My mom waved
I waved back and slowly made my way out of the driveway and started heading to the beach since I wanted to camp out to see the sunset and sunrise, plus I bought my camera with me so I could practice my angle and proportions perfectly for next week's photoshoot.


I got out of my car and took a moment to enjoy the view of the mesmerizing blue sea. After I finished fixing my tent the sun was slowly going down. I quickly took out my camera to took a few pics of it and smiled.

"Oh to live near the ocean" I fantasized a life where I was just living peacefully near the sand.

As I slowly moved my camera to a better view my camera focused on a beautiful pair of beautiful hazel eyes again. What is up with me seeing hazel eyes today??? As I removed the camera out of my eye to get a good look on the person I noticed it was Liam Jones the client I was assigned to.

"hey! No paparazzi! James I thought this place was a secret!" The brown haired boy shouted at the older blonde male.

"I thought so too, I guess only the three of us know?" The blond joked.

"Sorry!" I apologized to them and went back to my side of the Beach feeling embarrassed as fuck.

'Why do they know this place?! I thought only my family knew this?!'. I thought to myself. Oh well... I hope I don't get on their bad side especially Liam...


End of chapter


Poem before you go to the next chapter

Credits to the owner

Peace of the Beach

The tide recedes, but leaves behind bright seashells on the sand.
The sun goes down, but gentle warmth still lingers on the land.
The music stops yet echos on in sweet, soulful refrains.
For every joy that passes, something beautiful remains.


End of poem


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