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XXIV. Yells in the Rain

MONACO: October 2023

Eliza did not expect to see him there, but he was. Alex Albon was standing under the rain, in front of her. She slowly stood up in disbelief, "Alex..." she answered him back.

Alex slowly walked to her, cautiously, not wanting to startle her. From her face, he can clearly see the panic in her. "George called." He started, his words making her nod.

"Come on, let's get you out of this rain."

Expecting her to go with him would be arrogant of him. But luckily she shook her head, "No." she said.

He looked at her with a frown, "Liz-" "Please leave Alex." She said sternly, her eyebrows furrowed, her jaws clenched. A sight he never expected to see, yes, Eliza got upset or angry when they were together, but she never looked like this. Like she was going to throw up because of what she was feeling.

"No one is coming to get you Liz." He reasoned, the rain getting heavier which was unusual seeing as it rarely rained in Monaco at night in October.

Eliza shook her head, "I already called a company-" Alex walked towards her, "I'm right here Eliza." He said stubbornly. He was not letting her push her away again.

She looked at him in disbelief, she shook her head and pointed at him, "Where were you all those years ago? Where were you when I was outside your house? It was raining then too." She said as the tears started to pool in her eyes.

Alex sent her a very guilty and sad look on his face, "Liz..." he started, walking closer to her but she moved back making him stop. "I didn't want to leave-"

"And yet you did." She cut him off, shaking her head, she gulped before continuing, "I would have held on for you Alex. No matter my fear for your passion." She explained.

It was out of her control, the memories, the rain, him, it was too much for her. The tears started to roll down her cheeks, she struggled to speak with the sobs coming out of her mouth. But she had to, she had to say it now. It was her chance.

"Because I would rather swallow the pain and worry whenever I see you on track than lose you Alex." She said as a sob came out of her mouth. She covered her mouth and stared at him, not caring if she was being vulnerable.

"And you still left." She said all the while wiping her tears over and over again.

Alex felt a tear escape his eye, he didn't try to stop it. He gulped and brushed the hair out of his face, "I didn't want you to go through that-"

"You could have asked me!" she yelled as the thunder rumbled. The rain harder than it has ever been that night in Monaco.

She let out a heavy breath and threw her arms in the air in frustration, "You could have talked to me. But you decided on your own. You made a solo decision for our relationship." She pointed out the obvious.

The obvious fact that made Alex's heart drop in ultimate guilt. She was right, that made him look at the ground in shame.

"I would have held onto you Alex. It's like you've killed half my heart." She said with a sob. He couldn't bear look up at her, it was too much.

"You killed me Alex, and yet I still loved you."

Her words made him look up at her in shock. She shook her head and let out a bitter laugh, not believing that she said those words.

Her words somehow stirred something in Alex, he had to say it now or else it would be too late if he put it off. "It wasn't an easy decision Liz." He started, staring back at her. "I wanted to come back, I wanted to go back to you. Hold you and apologize even if it meant doing it for millions of times."

His words made her scoff in disbelief and look away. But then the next words made her look back at him in shock, "And I did. When you graduated. You were so happy Eliza, you seemed fine without me, like the whole world was in front of you. I didn't want to ruin that."

Alex came back. He was actually there; he saw her walk and get her diploma. Alex was there. So close yet so far.

The revelation made her stop, Alex took this opportunity to approach her slowly. "Now, will you please get out of the rain?" she looked at him, not moving, allowing him to move closer to her, "You're gonna get sick."

He was now in front of her but stopped when she shook her head, "No." Alex sighed, "Eliza-"

"I don't want you to drive me home." She said, her lips trembling, by the cold or by her emotions, Alex didn't know. "I don't want to close my eyes and wake up to you not there. Not anymore. I needed you Alex."

"I'm so sorry Liz..."

Eliza sighed but sent him a broken smile, "But you know what Alex Albon?" she asked, her head tilted to the side, "I always have. Don't leave me again."

Alex looked at her in shock, "I hurt you Liz..." She gulped but nodded, walking forward to him. This was not what Alex was expecting, but who was he to move backward?

"With you here, healing would be easier."

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