Chapter 11

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As Barb was violently shaking Delta to wake her up. Delta's eyes snapped awake. "ALRIGHT ALRIGHT SUGAR. YOU. CAN. STOP. SHAKIN. MEH-" She yelled while trying to get Barb to stop shaking her like a madwoman. "See? Told you it works" Barb confidently said as she let go of Delta who tried to keep her composure and a hang of herself.

"Barb, was it really necessary to shake some of us like that?ðŸ˜" Trollex asked while giving an annoyed look since most of them are awake now. "Well what else do you expect? I thought you guys were dead. But hey, at least you guys are alive." Barb said while shrugging.

"...Girl you fr😐"

"Okay dear friends, let's all calm down now. First off, is everyone alright??" Trollzart asked but surprisingly he wasn't flying like usual and was just sitting on the ground. "Well I'm fine that for sure. Just some bruises and cuts." Barb stood up and dusted herself. "But one of my earrings is missing dudes. That thing is one of my precious things since it was given to me by my dad."

"Same as Barb here but my crown is missing!" Poppy just said while standing up. "Us too." Quincy and Essence said. "I'm fine, except my fin has a deep cut but It will be fine cause weirdly enjoyed it's bandages up-." Trollex replied as Trollzart added along, "My wings are a little torned up and damaged but it will heal on its own in just a few days. But it's weird someone had bandaged up-?"

"I guess I'm fine y'all? Mah arm sorta stings a little.." Delta finally replied while looking at her wounded arm that was bandaged up in confusion. "But the thing long have been out for?!" Poppy exclaimed as everyone looked at each other. They have no idea how long they were out for. Let alone that they have no idea where they are.

All they see was them in what looked like a big cage and outside like nothing but black abyss and darkness surrounded the cage as there were a few lights that brightly lit up in the cage to see better. "Where in taranation are we!?" Delta exclaimed in confusion as everyone stood up. It was quite a large cage to be frantically speaking. As they looked around and exchanged glances, they heard someone talking.

"Listen Tracy, for once why can't we just break the bars? It doesn't seem to be that hard!?"

"Ay Caramabra. We tried so many times yet it doesn't seem to budge. Can you just use your brain, Little Miss Korean!?"

Trolls: Captured (Have been Discontinued Sadly) 😔Where stories live. Discover now