✦❘༻ University Rules ༺❘✦

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Summoning her courage, Aisha approached the figure, her voice steady despite the turmoil in her mind. "Hey, what are you doing there?" she called out, her words a plea wrapped in urgency. " "Suicide isn't the answer to any problem."

The boy turned towards her, his eyes betraying a mix of surprise and disbelief. Aisha pressed on, her resolve unwavering. "Listen, taking your life won't solve anything. Let's face this together. We'll find a way through," she implored, though doubt flickered in the recesses of her mind.

Just as Aisha began to feel a glimmer of relief, the boy's unexpected response halted her in her tracks. "Who said I am gonna jump?" he retorted, his tone tinged with confusion. Aisha blinked in disbelief, caught off guard by his words.

"Then what are you doing up there?" she asked, her frustration bubbling to the surface. The boy sighed and descended towards Aisha, his explanation leaving her feeling deflated.

"I'm not committing suicide. I was just there for some fresh air," he explained, his nonchalant demeanor causing Aisha's expression to morph into one of incredulity. "Dammit, I'm better off not getting involved," she muttered to herself, her hopes of helping dashed in an instant.

"I am sorry for disturbing you; you carry on," said Aisha, attempting to leave promptly, only to be stopped by the boy. "Hey, it's okay. At least you tried to help. If there was anyone else, they would have left me," he reassured her.

Aisha looked at him, her guard momentarily lowered. "Oh, I don't think I introduced myself. I'm Vedant Ranawat," the boy said, extending his hand in introduction. Aisha reciprocated the gesture. "I don't think I've seen you around here before," Vedant remarked.

"Aisha Sharma, and I'm a new student," she replied, noting Vedant's widened eyes at the mention of her new status.

As Vedant processed this information, Aisha couldn't help but sense the weight of his thoughts. "How could this be possible? Admission in the middle of the semester is against the university's regulations," Vedant pondered silently, his gaze fixed on Aisha.

The university rules are sacrosanct, designed to ensure the safety and integrity of its students. The Shegal family, known for their stringent adherence to these rules, wouldn't compromise on them without reason. Yet, here stands Aisha, admitted midway through the semester, against protocol."There's something unsettling about this," Vedant mused inwardly, his mind racing with questions. "I should inform them immediately," he resolved, a sense of urgency tugging at him. "There's more to this than meets the eye, and I need to ensure everything is in order."

Aisha watched Vedant, sensing his mind drifting away. "Hey, what are you thinking?" she asked, raising an eyebrow to draw him back to the present.

"Ah, nothing. I just remembered I have some work to do," Vedant replied hastily, his words a thinly veiled attempt to escape. Before Aisha could respond, he dashed off, leaving her standing there, unanswered.

As Aisha made her way back to her dormitory, the events of the evening replayed in her mind like a broken record. Vedant's cryptic behavior lingered in her thoughts, a puzzle she couldn't quite solve. "What happened to him?" she wondered aloud, the question hanging in the air unanswered.

With a weary sigh, she resolved to put the evening's mysteries aside for the time being. "This university is full of mysteries and annoying people," she muttered to herself, the frustration evident in her tone. As she reached her dormitory door, Aisha couldn't help but feel a sense of relief at the prospect of finally getting some rest.

"Tomorrow is my first day at the university," she reminded herself, a spark of anticipation igniting within her despite the day's events. With that thought in mind, Aisha pushed open the door and stepped inside, only to think about her day
Navigating through this university feels like walking through a maze of secrets waiting to be unraveled. From the receptionist's subtle reaction to my mere presence, to the warning glance Abhiyan Sir shot my way during his address, and now Vedant's peculiar response to my introduction - it's as if each encounter holds a piece of a puzzle, waiting to be fitted together.

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