Tʜᴇ Gʟᴏɪɴᴋ Qᴜᴇᴇɴ

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Y'all the pic above was like the best scene. Jax with his mouth closed is the most adorable thing I've probably ever seen in my entire life bruh.

Bro really said '👀'.

Anyway, enought of me ranting. Let's get into the dramaaaaa






Y/N's POV:

I just stared up at the creature who was supposted to be Kaufmo, my eyes widened. My mouth just gaped open with pure shock and fear. Jax noticed a blue bowling ball on the floor and grasped hold of it.

"Oh, I've been looking for this. Thanks for keeping an eye on it, Kaufy. I'm gonna head out. See ya."


Before I could finish my sentence, Jax grasped my hand and ran out of there, dragging me with him. I wanted to interffere and stop running, but Jax was running so fast that I couldn't. So I just didn't say anything. After what felt like hours, Jax finally stopped, letting the both of us rest. When I finally caught by breath, I began to protest.

"What the heck, dude?!" I whailed, "You left Pomni and Ragatha!! They could get hurt!! Also...was that Kaufmo back there?? What happened to him??"

Jax turned to me, not smirking for like the first time ever.

"Look, Ragatha and Pomni can handle it by themselves." he panted, "And about Kaufmo....he abstracted."



"What does that mean?"

"It means when you go insane."

"Well... How do we get rid of him?"

"We gotta find Caine." Jax exclaimed, "He'll put Kaufmo in the cella, where all the other abstracted monsters are."

I thought for a second. So, if we go insane, we'll turn into a big black monster with eyes all over? Yeah, totally makes sense. But why did Jax drag me with him instead of leaving me there. I stood up from my crouching position, looking Jax in the eyes.

"Why did you drag me with you instead of leaving me there?" I ask.

Jax's eyes widen.

"Uhh-- Well-- I-- Uhh-- Look, I just..don't want anything to happen to you... okay?" he replied, looking away with a slight tint of pink on his cheeks, "D-Don't take it too personal.."

I shrugged it off.

"Alrighty, bugs bunny. Let's go find 'Crybaby' and 'Hoo-ha' as you call them."

Jax chuckled and grinned at me, and I for some reason felt my face heat up a little. Uh-- Snap out of it, Y/N!

"Alright, sweetheart."

Sᴛᴜᴘɪᴅ Bᴜɴɴʏ... (Tᴀᴅᴄ Jᴀx x  Fᴇᴍ! Rᴇᴀᴅᴇʀ)  [COMPLETE]Where stories live. Discover now