Ch-27" Embracing Strength"

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Minho slowly opened his eyes, he felt a dull ache in his lower back, a lingering reminder of the passionate night they had shared. Despite the discomfort, a smile tugged at the corners of his lips as he relished the memory of Hyunjin taking the lead for the first time.

His senses heightened by the closeness to Hyunjin, he inhaled deeply, savoring the musky scent that enveloped him. It was a scent uniquely Hyunjin, intensified by their intimate moments together. With a contented sigh, Minho nuzzled closer to Hyunjin's neck, feeling the warmth of his skin beneath his lips.

Gently pressing a kiss against Hyunjin's neck, Minho relished in the tender moment, basking in the closeness they shared. It was a silent acknowledgment of their deep connection, a silent reassurance of their love for each other. With a soft smile playing on his lips, Minho closed his eyes again, content to stay wrapped in Hyunjin's embrace for just a little while longer.

Careful not to disturb Hyunjin's peaceful slumber, Minho shifted to sit by the headrest of the bed, his movements slow and deliberate. With gentle hands, he nudged Hyunjin, coaxing him to move without waking him. As Hyunjin shifted, Minho settled back against the headboard, drawing Hyunjin into his lap.

With Hyunjin nestled against him, Minho traced his fingers along the faint marks that adorned Hyunjin's skin, remnants of their passionate night together. The faint nail marks and love bites were a testament to their shared intimacy, each one a silent declaration of their connection.

Lost in thought, Minho marveled at how easily Hyunjin could heal these physical wounds with his powers, yet chose not to. It was as if Hyunjin wanted to carry these marks, to wear them as a badge of honor, a symbol of their love and devotion to each other.

A soft smile graced Minho's lips as he contemplated the depth of their bond. Perhaps, just like him, Hyunjin found solace in being marked as Minho's, in knowing that they belonged to each other in every way possible. It was a comforting thought, one that filled Minho's heart with warmth and gratitude.

As Minho gently played with Hyunjin's hair, his fingers weaving through the soft strands with practiced ease, he couldn't help but notice the tension in Hyunjin's back. Each gentle rub sent ripples of comfort through Hyunjin's body, but Minho could feel the subtle stiffness, the hint of pain that lingered beneath the surface.

Moving his hand lower, Minho focused on rubbing Hyunjin's back, tracing soothing circles along the tender skin. It was then that he noticed it-the slight tenderness where Hyunjin's wings were hidden, as if they were straining against his back, desperate to break free.

Minho's heart clenched with concern. He knew all too well the struggle Hyunjin faced with his powers, the burden he carried, and the pain it caused him. Was Hyunjin experiencing nightmares again, the kind that plagued him with memories of his past?

Without hesitation, Minho drew closer to Hyunjin, their bodies melding together as if they were one. He wrapped his arms around Hyunjin, pulling him into a protective embrace, offering comfort and solace in the safety of their shared space.

With Hyunjin nestled against him, Minho whispered soft words of reassurance, his voice a gentle murmur against Hyunjin's ear. He vowed to be there for him, to support him through the darkness, and to ease his pain in any way he could.

As they lay intertwined, Minho's presence a comforting anchor for Hyunjin's troubled soul, he silently prayed that the dawn would bring peace and tranquility to his beloved. And until then, he would remain by Hyunjin's side, a beacon of light in the darkness, offering love and unwavering support.

Hyunjin stirred beneath Minho's touch, a sense of unease settled over him like a dark cloud. His muscles tensed, his breaths coming in shallow gasps as he struggled against the invisible force that held him captive in the grips of his own mind.

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