Chapter 4: Milk shakes

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"Mom go awayyyy." I say annoyed and cover my ears with my pillow. I hear a door open and...

"Didn't know I was one thanks for letting me know."

Fuck. It's William. My hair is a mess. I look like I've just gone dumpster diving. I didn't do my make up.

I secretly take out the claw clip in my hair and get up.

"What are you doing here so early?" I say as I rubbed my eyes and try to find myself a hoodie.

"We agreed on noon.....It's noon." He says as he crosses his arms and starts to look around my room. "You could do better" he says as he takes a seat in my desk.

"Shut up." I say and I still haven't found anything to cover myself with. I just wrap my blanket around me and get up to go to the bathroom.

"Wow that is a sight."

"I'm cold."

"It's 90 degrees outside." I close the door as he says that and I'm basically internally screaming. I SET 4 ALARMS. I really do have the worst luck.


Just as she leaves she comes back and tells me she started on the maths assignment and told me to look it over while she gets ready.

Her notebook was right in front of me so I didn't hesitate and open it......It's definitely not a math notebook.

Inside the notebook there were names of food with the amount of calories next to them and the days of the week on top of them.

"What the-"

I lightly gasp putting one and one together. It's almost been a month. It took me almost a month to notice she doesn't eat properly. Fuck.

I hear footsteps and quickly close the book and hide it beneath her stuff.

"Did you find it?" She says as she comes in. It makes so much sense she barely has lunch at school. She always denies when I ask to get ice cream after school making up lame excuses. She always wears hoodies or over sized clothes. How didn't I notice?

"No I didn't."I say pretending to look for it.


"Hey how about we get some lunch first?" I try to suggest and instantly notice her face change.

"Oh well yeah sure I mean yeah why not." She says as she grabs her phone and gives me a look. "Do you not wanna go now or?"

"Let's go."

"So do you have anything in mind?" She says as we go down the stairs.

"Nothing in particular what do you wanna eat?" I ask as her as we step out the door.

"I'm not the hungry to be honest." She says as we start walking.

"What about-"

"Wait. I have an idea." She says as she makes her way to get garage door.  She unlocks it and...

"Tadaaa!!!" She says pointing to two bikes.

"There's no way." I say as I look at the blue and pink bikes.

"Come on!!!" She says with excitement.

"We can just walk."I try and suggest with a fake smile.

"It's 90 degrees outside." She says mocking me. "It'll be fun come on!!"

"Amelia. Um well you know the thing" I hesitate.

"Shut up. There's no way. You don't know how to ride a bike?" She says with her eyes wide open.

"My parents never taught me." I say trying my best not to sound sympathetic.

"Perfect I'll teach you." She says with the brightest smile on her face.

"How about some time later I'm reallyyyyy hungry." I say trying my best to convince her.

"Fine but I'm determined to teach you and I definitely will."

"Sure." I say with a small smile as we walk out the garage door. "How about milkshakes?" I suggest as we start walking. I can see a very visible frown form on her face as I say that. It hurts me to see her sad but she really needs to eat. I mean I could be wrong about everything but I'm pretty sure I'm right. I've ignored too many signs I have to make an effort. I have to atleast try.

"Y-yeah sure milkshakes sounds good."
"Which one do you want?" I ask her hoping she gets one.

"I'll just get the banana milkshake."
She says hesitantly while scratching her fingers.

"Do want a side of fries or-"

"No no I'll just get the milkshake." She cuts me off.

"Are you sure?" I ask hoping she changes her mind.

"Yeah." She says with a small smile.
The waiter brings out milkshakes and a side of fries that I ordered.

"Thank you." Amelia says politely to the waiter.

"So how is the assignment going?" I ask trying to make conversation. It's always so natural with her I never have to make conversation but right now it feels like all the words in my vocabulary have just disappeared.

"It's going fine actually. The quadratic questions are really easy but the geometric ones are hell." She says as she takes the tiniest sip from her shake.

"This is so good. Can I try yours?." I ask completely ignoring the topic of conversation I just started.

"Yeah sure." She says as she passes her glass towards me.

"I've never had this here before this is really good. Here try mine." I pass my glass to her hoping she'll take a big sip.

"It's pretty good." She says as she takes a small sip.

"You barely took a sip." I really didn't want to push the topic like this but she had to eat or drink something because that list was horrid.

"It's yours I don't want to sip too much." She says covering it up.

"That's okay I don't mind you can sip all you want." I say with a casual smile.

She was hesitant, but she took a sip. A proper sip.

"See?" I say with a smile as she passes me back my glass. She gives me a nod and starts sipping her milkshake little by little.
"William the answer is 4 how did you get 64?" Amelia says with a small laugh.

"I don't know I did it the way Mr. Alex taught us." I was embarrassed but I was also frustrated. Fucking mathematics.

"Okay listen to me. How about toh try my method instead?" She asks determined to help me.

"Okay I'll give it a try."

I spent the rest of the time with her solving problems and laughing at random stuff. We didn't keep track of time and it was almost time for dinner.

"Are your parents gonna be home for dinner?" I ask casually.

"No my dad has this event for his work he took mom as a plus one." She says keeping herself busy in her notebook.

"My parents are dinning out today. So did you wanna have dinner together?" I ask praying to God that she says yes.

"Sure that sounds like a great idea."

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