RECAP: Little Utako was upset, grieving over her father. Fast Forward, Utako's now 15.
F a s t F o r w a r d ༄
Meihan: "You...You BRAT! There's, THERE'S NO WAY!"
Utako: "Woah, I get my dad's will?"
Xeo's Executor: "Yes. He decided he would give it to you, it says, Utako Yuiyo, aka Angel."
Utako: "So...when am I able to get it?"
Xeo's Executor: "You may access it now, since you are currently 15, as he wanted. But he also added you may take it when you're ready."
Utako: "..I'll take it later, then."
Meihan: "This isn't possible! How could-"
Xeo's Executor: "Well Ma'am, Xeo left the will for Utako, and not you. My condolences."
Utako: "Yeah, woman. You're already rich enough with your 15th sugar daddy. I'm surprised with how much of a throwaround you are, you haven't gotten pregnant again."
Meihan: "It's not 15! They're just fake.."
Utako: "No, you cheat on every single one of them."
Meihan: "Ugh!"
The woman storms out the room at the clever 15-year-old's remarks. Utako looks at the executor.
Utako: "Has my father left any quests for me?"
Xeo's Executor: "Well, he said this."
The Executor slides the paper over to Utako, flipping it upside down so it was right-side up for her. There was a handwritten letter with a mysterious black box along with it that the executor pulls out and hands to her.
Xeo's Executor: "Would you like this now?"
My Dear Angel.
Utako: ^("A gift from Dad? I want it now.")^
"Yeah. I want the box. May I read it here?"
Xeo's Executor: "Of course.." The Executor fixes his glasses, running a hand through his black silky hair.
^("Utako's grown quite a lot, Xeo. I'm sure I shall be able to train her to your orders. Though, if she'll be able to get in...that'll be the future's decision.")^
༄ A n g e l i c S h o t ༄
ActionIn a place full of men and their guns, a woman decides to slip through the crack in the wall and break the rules. Where will it get her?