How Would The Guys React To A Breakup?💔

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Alastor🦌: He...well, wouldn't take it kindly. He'd go kill a few sinners to let out some steam, then probably pull a yandere and demand you get back together with him by buying you flowers and gifts and confessing his love over and over again. But at the same time, he could let you go if it had to be so. Though it isn't likely he'll let go easy.

Lucifer🐥: He would cry. And cry. And...cry. He'd of course beg you to come back and ask you what was wrong, and that he'll do anything, that he'll change anything and everything about himself for you. But if you don't accept him back, he'll wallow in his castle, building rubber ducks, sobbing over selfies of you and him, and then playing his violin to try and help cope with his depression.

Valentino🦋: that comment. He's the type who DOES NOT let someone go. So...yeah. good luck trying to break up with Valentino.

Angel Dust 💗: He would attempt to win you back because you're literally the Antidote to his poison. He'll try to talk about the issues with you, see what he can do to change your mind, tell you how much he loves you, but if it doesn't the end, he'll accept his defeat, and consume more of his addictions twice as hard and twice as much.
In the end...he'll just believe that he doesn't deserve you, and he'll try to forget about you.

Sir Pentious🐍: He would be totally devastated and do anything to win you back. He'd even break down crying in front of you, not ashamed to hide it, and plead for you to come back.
But if that doesn't work, then he'll slither away and hide in his room with his egg Bois for comfort.

Vox⚡: Vox would try not to show his hurt, so by distracting himself, he'll work twice as hard to the point where it isn't healthy. He's less patient, and more of a sarcastic asshole to everyone around him.
At night, he'll pull up photos of you on your Voxbook page, or even Voxagram, and try to be flirty with you to win you back, but if that doesn't work, he'll toss the phone to the side and boil in anger, before sighing and wallowing.

Adam🎤: He'll laugh at you and tell you your the idiot for breaking up with him, that he's better off without you, but deep down he'll feel the sting without you in secret, he'll pull out his guitar and try to play some music, all the while trying to cope with his pain by blaming everyone else but himself.

Zestial🕸️: He'll be sad, but definitely not the type to show it. He'll simply wander around Hell a little bit more than usual, and recite sad love poems under his breath, and sip his tea a little slower than usual, and lean on Carmilla more for comfort and advice...

Azrael💛: He's the type to go and cry in the corner with some drinks, before flooding his brothers phones with text messages about his pain and how he misses you, only then to cry and sing out sad love songs before flooding YOUR phone with messages.

Husker🍺: He's pretty good at hiding his pain, though one thing that will be noticable is that his drinking will become a little bit excessive, which will concern everyone else, though he will angrily tell them to f*ck off.
So basically, to cope with his pain, he'll drink to a stupor.

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