Chapter 3 : I see dead people...Great

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(Credit to the photos owner)

November 13, 2010

It been months since prank night school's been great well as great as it can be and I've returned to work at the Grill, Still trying to getting back into the old rhythm before I was hospitalized just minus Liam which is a plus I guess. But I can't help but feel different like something has changed like with what happened at Prank Night.

"I can't stop think about Prank Night I could have sworn that was Vicki Donovan and she was alive but then again she died so how would she been there?" I think to myself as I finish doing my hair.

"Fee, Fee wake up breakfast is ready!" a loud male voice yell from down stairs.

Turn and look at the bathroom door, Sighing I open the door to go to my room to my full length mirror. My almost black brown hair sits slightly wavy just slightly passed my shoulder blades, my outfit consists of a black knee length dress the bottom of it was flowy I put on my black ankle dress booties I grab my worn black leather jacket and head downstairs.

"Hey Sis! You got down here quicker than I thought, I assumed I'd would be at the memorial by time you got ready" My younger brother Aiden chuckled at me as a get to my sit.

Breakfast was pancakes and bacon, sausage. While Aiden stuff his face with pancakes Zane was sitting next to him spaced out somewhere "To think of it he has been rather quiet lately."

"Zane...Zane you in there?" only letting some concern fill my voice. Zane looks up at me with this deep slightly worried look that speaks volumes to me "His worried about the town, A lot of people are. People have been dying a lot lately and animal attacks couldn't be the real reason." Mom and Dad don't care they just swallow what the media tells them as long as it isn't their precious Aiden or Zane that is. "Maybe Mom and Dad would be upset for me if I died maybe they just don't show it." I think to myself as I notice that Mom and Dad are not around.

"Hey, Where's Mom and Dad?" I asked curious, Aiden looked around the kitchen seeming to just notice they were not here.

"They left early to help Mayor Lockwood set the memorial up." Zane said more normal sounding. I nod my head we finish our breakfast.

"Fee, Aiden put the dish in the sink and make sure your ready to go." Zane looked at us as he stands by the door in his black suit with a deep crimson red button-up shirt, trying to fix his black tie. Aiden went up stairs to get his jacket, I walk over to Zane as he is having some trouble with his tie. "Here let me help." Zane signed as he gave up.

"Zane, it's just a accident please stop worrying." Fixing his tie I look at him with a worried look.

Zane's expression changes to a forced smile as we meet eye contact. "Thanks, Mom, Your the one who should stop worrying before you get grey hair." He says as he ruffles my hair chuckling at me I swat his hand away laughing.

Aiden runs down the stairs looking between us "Awesome so now that you both laughing and smiling we can go to the memorial where people will most likely be sad and crying." We look at him shaking our heads.

1 hr later at The Memorial

The whole event is just strange people are acting weird like Elena who is fidgeting and looks uncomfortable. She was up at the podium speaking on behalf of April who was nowhere to be found, Tyler took over for Elena after she was escorted off the stage by Stefan. Elena and her friend all look like they know something is going on that everyone else doesn't know.


A loud shot rang out in the Church everyone watch in horror as Tyler Lockwood falls to the ground. Zane grab Aiden by the back of the head and pushes me on the back to duck behind the church pews. Mayor Lockwood runs to her son who was still on the ground as she calls for the cops and a EMT. People started running out of the Church screaming in panic.

"Zane, Whats going on? I can't see!" Aiden whispers loud,
Zane looks around the Church "It came from the balcony it's the only high ground."

I look at Zane as he whispered harshly, "Zane we need to get out of here."

I said but Zane is now watching the Salvatore brothers "Zane. Now!" Zane snaps out of it and grabs Aiden by the jacket and me by the hand "Follow me". As Zane pulls us out the of the Church I look to the side of the building to see the older Salvatore brother who name I never learned go back inside. But what caught my eye was Mr. Saltzman was right behind him with a worried look I blinked and he was gone like that like he wasn't there to begin with.

Mom and Dad were at the car already when they saw us they came running. calling "My babies, oh my babies there you are we were so worried!"

"Are you hurt!?" Mom and Dad with panic filled voices at the same time. Dad hold Zane's shoulder look him up and down making sure their isn't a mark on him, Mom hug Aiden tightly much to his dislike

"We're Fine ok. Please stop hugging me I can't breath." I can't help but feel a little left out by this as I look down at my hands.

Dad looks at me "Felicity you good?" He says slight worried like his awkward or something I look slightly up at him making eye contact I quickly nod my head "Yes I am fine."

Sheriff Forbes arrived with the rest of the officers to toe along with the medics and camera crew. They all start asking questions about what they saw if anything was strange about the memorial. This going on for a good hour before we were allowed to go home.

As we get in to Zane's car I see Jeremy and Matt walking and from a distance I see her again it is Vicki she there this isn't sleep deprivation or a mistake in identity that is Vicki! " Zane look at the treeline right there do you see anyone!?" I slap Zane lightly on the arm who is in the driver sit of his Sliver 2010 Camaro with black racing stripes. Zane looks out the window to where I am pointing shaking his head "No Fee, There is no one there." He turns back and starts the car I on the other hand continue to stare at Vicki who is watching her brother from afar.

Zane pulls the car away from the Church and away from Vicki who I am more and more confused by the fact Zane couldn't see her but I can. "What the hell is going on! Why can I see her and Zane can't." The music on the radio plays as we drive home Aiden is with Mom and Dad who thought it would be better if he was with them. I look out the window as we drive with my mind going a mile a min trying to give me a answer to the Vicki dilemma. Finally we get home I head upstairs to my room and flop down on my comfortable bed.

I start laughing to the myself as my mind gave me one answer that couldn't be true. "You see dead people... Great"

I shake my head smiling "I must be losing it maybe it's my mind playing tricks on me I did have a head injury so that's more possible. More possible than seeing dead people."

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