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                                  Song : Girls Need Love | Summer Walker/ Drake𝐀𝐋𝐄𝐗𝐀𝐍𝐃𝐑𝐀 • 𝐅𝐄𝐑𝐍𝐒𝐁𝐘••••••••••••

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Song : Girls Need Love | Summer Walker/ Drake

Sometimes I wonder if people view me the same way as I do myself.

I've never considered myself as someone whose necessarily annoying, or a burden to others. Granted, I don't give much thought to how others perceive me.

I didn't see the point in it. It's not like just because one person doesn't particularly enjoy me or my personality, that I'm going to change myself because of it.

Despite that, I had my moments of awareness, where I was reminded that I'm that furthest thing from perfect as it gets.

Like now.

I sigh and slam the bathroom door shut behind me, hating the gut wrecking guilty feeling that settles in my stomach.

I knew I shouldn't have asked her again.

Kaia lifts her eyes from her phone, a smile lifting to her lips as she sees me. "So? How'd it fit?" She stands up and walks toward me. "It's one of the slightly stretchier-" Her rambling comes to an end as I hold out the dress.

"It's too small." I force a smile to my lips. "I appreciate it anyway though, Kai." She slowly nods, taking it from my hand.

Being the idiot I am, I again, asked Kaia if I could borrow a dress.

I promised myself after yesterday that I wouldn't bother bringing it up to her again. Which was logical given that I knew she was two sizes smaller then me.

But then again, I had nothing to wear.

Kaia shuffles around from behind me as I unbutton my jeans. "So, what's going on with you and Vales?" My eyes immediately roll as the words leave her mouth

"Nothing." I mumble, sliding the sweater and tank top off of my body. "He's just being his usual, extremely terrible self." She laughs.

Now fully bare apart from my undergarments, I turn around and walk back to Kaia, whose going through the clothing inside my suitcase. "Where is he? I could've sworn I saw him at the party last night." She holds up a small top with a lifted brow, I shake my head no.

I bend down alongside her crouched frame. "That's because he was." Unfortunately.

Both mine and her hands wrack through my luggage simultaneously, even though it's completely useless, knowing there's nothing for me to wear. "And let me guess? Your drunken rage led to a huge fight between you to?" She chuckled.

I throw her a look that shows my displeasure with a single glare. "No." I grumble, angrily tossing pieces of clothes out of the suitcase. "He just forced me into his car, dropped me on the ground in a elevator, and waterboarded me." Kaia turns her head with parted lips.

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