★ Chapter 4.

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Chapter 4

Her name was Vyper Kane.
The girl who sat with him, talking his ear off while his eyes hadn't left mine.

It was easy enough to find out who the redhead was - only a few minutes of going through the following lists of people I knew on Instagram. The girl didn't upload on the regular but each post in which Dorian's face popped up even just slightly had me clenching my jaw for reasons I didn't care to decipher.

Looking down at my phone display, I clicked on Dorian's profile that was tagged in the girl's most recent post.
I should have known he was the kind of guy that valued his privacy but it still caused feelings of annoyance and desperation flow through my body.

There was no way I would click the follow button.
Not from my main account anyway.

I was pretty certain he had noticed the way my eyes followed him whenever he was close but that didn't mean I was going to expose my inexplicable interest completely by adding him on social media.
It didn't even make sense to me that my mind considered the guy interesting enough to be caught in the spider web of my mind. Men never interested me nor did I ever wanted the opposite gender to notice me.

There had to be more to Dorian.
Something I haven't noticed in our brief encounters.
Something that explained that invisible pull towards him.

Noticing him steering his car into the Grey Mave Street I made sure to wait on the corner to see if that was his final destination.
And when I saw him slowing the machine, I wasted no time in taking place in the first parking spot I could find, almost too unworried about the ticket that could very well sour my mood next week.

Opening my door without checking for oncoming drivers, I hopped out of the high seat.
Hopefully I've been fast enough to see in which house the Dubois family resided in, otherwise my on obsession bordering behavior seemed even sillier. In books they always make it seem so simple to follow someone without getting noticed.
They clearly didn't have the whole town knowing who you were simply because your face looked awfully as those hunting their nightmares.

I've never been a fan of being anywhere but in my comfort zone - my comfort zone being my own four walls.
I've always felt as though people stared at me, even before my mother decided to ruin my imagine along with hers and that made it challenging for me to do the simplest things.
It had been intolerable for me to attend high school regularly, my mood never stable enough to push through a whole week without feigning physical illnesses at least twice.

So, although I loathe being on the other end of Baneyard right now, I had to know where Dorian lived or what he did after his classes.
As of late I always seemed too curious for my own good.

I casually made my way onto the asphalted way that led to the family residence the Range Rover stood in front of.
Relief flooded my system when not a single person turned their head when I walked past them.

This hadn't been planned hence why nothing I wore did something to conceal my identity. It seemed keeping my head low did the trick today but next time I shouldn't rely on my luck, considering it let me down more often than not.
Next time?
There would be no next time.

Dorian has almost reached the door when I stopped at a safe distance and rushed to hide behind his car.
The Range Rover certainly made things easier but I know it wouldn't be long until people started noticing me lurking around a neighborhood they knew I didn't live in as they probably would've moved out the moment they saw me carrying things inside one of the older constructions.

The broad back of the tall young man was in my direct line of sight as I peered around the car to see him entering the house. My pulse started thrumming deep in my belly at the way his grey dress pants hugged his muscular legs or the way his black turtleneck did nothing to conceal the way his arm flexed as he supported himself in the doorframe when he slipped his shoes off his feet.
It was beyond me why he hadn't closed the door yet but I wouldn't complain.

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