★ Chapter 5.

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True to my obsessive nature, it did not remain at one time. I got used to seeing Dorian outside of university exceptionally quick, would go as far as saying I looked forward to it after a week of getting accustomed to the new routine of following him home. It somewhat made me feel guilty coming up with lies whenever Christian or Nyx wanted to spend time after classes but I craved the extra minutes with Dorian too much - even if he didn't know about my lingering presence. Thankfully I have never been caught nor did the slight delay of getting home bother me much.

What bothered me on the other hand was seeing Romeo storm towards the one constant in my thoughts when he was only suppose to pick me up from psych class.
I barely even picked up my bag from the floor when Dorian's arm was wretched back more brutal than necessary.
As if that wasn't enough, Romeo felt the need to keep his hand on his shoulder, his grip tight.

"Romeo!" I barked, when Dorian seemed visibly uncomfortable at the physical contact my childhood friend forced on him.

I rushed to them, grabbing Romeo's arm and trying to get him to release the young man in front of him.
What I despised the most about the oldest Branson brother was that I wasn't the only one who fell victim to his lack of respecting boundaries. He also never failed to remind me of our lack in strength due to me being a woman. It always somewhat appeared as though he felt empowered being able to forcefully push me away in situations like these.

Probably aggravated with me getting involved had a cold expression take over his face. His eyes appeared lifeless and calculated as they connected with mine.
As his other arm reached over to grab my neck he got reminded, that while it might be impossible for me overpower him, it wasn't for the other man present that not only towered over me but him as well.
Romeo was not short by any means with his six feet two frame yet he did seem tiny next to the sophisticated looking young man whose shoulder he still had in an iron grip.

A large hand had wrapped around Romeo's wrist which stopped him for approximately ten seconds before his waist met mine without any restraint or second thought. 

I stumbled back hard enough for my hands to tremble at the pain that radiated from where my right shoulder had met the wall. The throbbing and my effort to keep myself from making a sound had me biting my lip with such a force that the taste of copper soon hit my tongue.

I could practically hear my string patience with this douchebag being cut through.
Like scissors cutting through a veil or a key being used in the right lock, I felt the poisonous energy I usually hid flood my system.
My vision turned red.
Sort of like a volcano that was about to take down cities with its rage.

And the worst part?
Romeo had just gone back to barking threats that had lesser to do with Dorian but with the twin I just recently found out about.
He hadn't even considered the repercussions of his actions, had never taken me seriously.
And just like that, I had enough.
At least for now.

The world around me quieted as I bend down slightly to retrieve something out of my boot I never considered using until now, least of all in a public space.
Most students were long gone and the only person who remained close was having a  conversation with Professor Draven in the lecture hall behind us.
Not that Nyx would ever judge me for pulling out a pocket knife in broad daylight. Quite the opposite actually.
My black haired friend had her fair share of torture tools hidden in the basement and would, knowing her, even encourage me to transform Romeo's insides into a human masterpiece just to help me bury his body on the cemetery behind her foggy estate.

With the silver blade hidden behind the palm of my hand I walked until I was right behind Romeo again and rose up to my tiptoes, whispering in the deadliest voice I've ever heard coming out of my esophagus,
"Let go of him."

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