Mysterious incidents

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In the dimly lit Great Hall, Halloween festivities were in full swing. Jack O'Lanterns cast flickering shadows across the room, illuminating tables adorned with an array of candies. Amidst the chatter and laughter, Harry's keen eye noticed the absence of Hermione and Jayson.

"Where's Jayson and Hermione?" Harry inquired; his concern evident in his voice.

Neville, looking uneasy, relayed what he had heard. "Parvati Patil mentioned that Hermione hadn't left the girls' bathroom all afternoon. She seemed upset...crying."

Fred and George exchanged knowing glances; their expressions solemn. "Jayson went to check on her," Fred stated, his tone indicating a sense of gravity.

Ron and Harry exchanged uneasy glances, a sense of guilt weighing heavily on them.

Suddenly, the jovial atmosphere was shattered as Professor Quirrell burst into the room, his face contorted in panic.

"Troll! In the dungeon! T-Troll in the dungeon!" Quirrell's words echoed through the hall, piercing the air with urgency. As he collapsed in a dead faint, silence descended upon the room, followed swiftly by chaos as panic set in. Students screamed and scattered; the Halloween festivities forgotten in the face of imminent danger.

In the midst of chaos, Dumbledore's booming voice cut through the panic like a knife. "SILLLLLEEENNNNCEEEEE!" he commanded, and instantly, the frantic movements ceased as all turned their attention to the venerable headmaster.

"Everyone will please, not panic," Dumbledore continued calmly, his presence instilling a sense of order in the chaos. "Prefects, lead your houses back to the dormitories. Teachers, follow me to the dungeons."

In the tumultuous aftermath, voices rang out, urging students to stay together and keep calm. Percy, the Gryffindor Prefect, took charge, guiding his house down the hall with authority. "Gryffindors, keep up please. And stay alert!"

As the students hurried along, Harry's mind raced with questions. "How could a troll get in?" he pondered aloud, his words echoing Ron's sentiments. "Not by itself. Trolls are really stupid. Probably people playing jokes."

But Harry's thoughts quickly turned to concern as he realized something critical. "Jayson and Hermione! They don't know!" he exclaimed, a sense of urgency driving him forward.

Without hesitation, Harry and Ron dashed through the corridors, their footsteps echoing against the stone walls. Suddenly, they came to an abrupt halt, their hearts pounding in their chests as they heard a deep, guttural grunting noise.

Instinctively, Harry pulled Ron into a nearby doorway, their breaths coming in quick gasps as they peered out into the hallway. Their blood ran cold as they caught sight of a massive, lumbering troll making its way down the corridor.

Outside the girls' bathroom, Jayson sat alongside Hermione, offering her solace as she wiped away her tears. But their moment of respite was shattered as they heard the ominous sound approaching. Jayson's eyes widened in dread as he glanced down the hall, his blood turning to ice at the sight of the menacing troll drawing nearer.

The heir of the black family got his wand out as he stood up as stood in front of Hermione.

With his wand drawn, Jayson stepped forward, positioning himself protectively in front of Hermione.

"Hermione, stay behind me!" he commanded, his voice firm with determination.

As the troll lunged forward, Jayson swiftly pushed Hermione out of harm's way, narrowly evading the brute force of its club as it crashed into the ground with a deafening thud.

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