Chapter Nine | The Dance | Keefe

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The Dance, Excerpt 1: Keefe

Keefe had been lost in a haze. It had been a wonderful thing- dancing with that girl. She had been so- so beautiful. It eclipsed everything- until nothing mattered anymore. Nothing mattered except her. The way she smiled and tossed her dark brown hair . . . and the way her teal eyes sparkled- no there was nothing like her.

And then time seemed to slow down. It had slowed to a stop as he had turned around and saw Sophie Foster stare at him, her eyes reproachful- and Keefe could feel every emotional blow.

Grief, sadness, confusion, anger- it all felt like a slap to the face. What was he doing? Did he just . . . cheat? On the girl he loved. What was wrong with him- what had happened?

Then the moment ended. Sophie turned and started to run.

Keefe pulled his hand out of the teal-eyed girl's. He pushed through the crowd- head throbbing.

"Wait- Sophie!" He cried, reaching for her, but she was already gone.

His hand fell slack against his side.

"Keefe?" A voice whispered behind him.

He turned. It was that girl again.

"Keefe, who- who was that? What- what's happening?"

She reached for his arm.

Keefe drew back. "I'm sorry- I'm sorry but this is all wrong. This isn't- this isn't right"

He began to back away. "This isn't right . . ."

He started to run. Keefe ran like a coward. He barely heard what all the concerned faces were saying to him.

"What's wrong Keefe?" 

"What happened- you were doing just fine dancing with Biana- just like a real couple."

No, no, no. This was wrong. Something was wrong.

And then Keefe knew. He loved Sophie. So what was he doing with that girl?

As he ran through the crowd, he heard distant screams. Spinning around, Keefe gasped.

Flames had erupted on the ceiling- and judging by the looks of them, they were spreading fast.

Sophie- he had to find Sophie. His hoarse voice shouted as he turned to the fearful students, "Hey! Everyone! Leave the building- now! Or we're all gonna burn!"

They didn't need telling twice. Everyone scrambled for the exists, a few Hydrokinetics tried to stay behind to help- but to no avail. These weren't normal flames.

And then Keefe was scared. Scared because this was exactly like his dream. Scared because what if Sophie- what if Sophie. . . .

No, he couldn't think that. Not now, when he needed to FOR ONCE keep a cool head. He had to be brave, he had to find Foster.

He ran up the stairs, unsure of where they led and gasped.

Just like in a horror film- there was Sophie sitting on the ground, face scarred and burnt- hair singed, clothes torn, and the reflection of flames dancing in her worn, blank brown eyes.

And that was when the roof fell down.


A/N: Quick note, for the next couple of chapters I will be playing the same story through different povs. This created my excerpts. Have fun! Here are a few updates:

- I've been reading my old author's notes and I am so sorry they are so cringy- what was I doing

- I am so sorry for this horrible posting schedule- I'll try to be more on top of things.

- Is this the right roman numeral? I think it is

Fanfic Schedule:

- these broken tears || kotlc

- Shimmering on the Ceiling For You || Chandlefitz

- Possibly new fanfic

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