Chapter 1

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Falling in love with my Grumpy English Professor had to have been one of the worst mistakes of my life..

I slowly awaken as the sun beams down on my face on this early Saturday morning. I hear birds singing and Breakfast being made from downstairs. I yawn as My cat penny Jumps onto me. I began to sink into the warmth of my cat And The fuzzy white blankets on top of me closing my eyes and relaxing until. I hear my name being called.
My Aunt Cathy yells and I let out a loud sigh. not wanting to leave the warm embrace of my bed, but deciding to get up anyway. "Coming!!" I yell but not as loud as my aunt.

Taking the hair tie I always have on my wrist And using it to put my hair up in a messy bun I get out of bed in my pajamas and make my way downstairs to the kitchen.
"There you are" Aunt Cathy says as if she had been wondering what was taking me so long
"What's for breakfast cath?" I say Beginning to sit at the dining room table
"French toast, Scrabbled eggs and Bacon" She says Handing me off a plate
"Thanks" I say while grabbing the plate out of her hands.
"So, You ready to go back to school next week?"
Cathy says with a sarcastic smile already knowing my answer.
"You say next week as if it isn't in two days. No I'm not ready!"..

Aunt Cathy Was only 19 at the time she had just gotten out of school but had been taking care of me since she was 16. She's practically the only person who I've ever had in my life to actually care about me. It kind of makes you fucked up in the head when you felt as if no one has ever cared for you. But Cathy has cared and I'm so great full though she can be a raging bitch sometimes.

I finish up my plate of food then Set it in the sink with the intention of cleaning later. I go back up to my room to change.

One new text from Alex...

Alex : Girl!! Guess what. Yk that English teacher.
Mr. Fisher.. I might have done a little snooping to see what we were working with and omg he's hot!!!

Jose: really Alex that's disgusting!! 🤢

Alex: you won't be saying that when you see him!! 😩🤤

I place my phone down ignoring Alex's last text, I love Alex dearly she's my best friend but woah that girl can be crazy! To even think of such an old teacher like that with a name like "Mr. Fisher" he has to be atleast 70 years old!
I chuckle to myself thinking this..

After I get finished dressing myself I wave bye to Aunt Cathy, grab my keys and make my way to the mall to buy new clothes for the school year. I'm not sure if I want to do cheerleading again. Maybe I should join the book club instead. But I don't want to be seen as a nerd. And I'm definitely not joining the soccer team again! or volleyball sports like that are definitely my weakest.. I'm really hoping to reinvent myself after being the "Shy girl" for so long. I have a few popular friends but I'm not one to hang out in crowds laying low is probably the best option for me anyway.

Inside the mall smells like every Victoria secret Perfume mixed with cotton candy and depressed teens, The mall was packed but not as bad as it usually is. It's Saturday but it's around 1pm so everyone is basically in the food court or sniffing around the garbage bins for nice things they throw out.   After walking around for a while I decide to go into a new looking store  "Mercy del Rosa"
I walk in and the first thing I notice is the faint smell of Rich people. Definitely a tell-tell sign I should not be in this store.

I walk around into the middle of the store by the men's section. Peeking around the corner I see a Beautiful tall man dressed In all black trying on what seems to be a Men's suit tie.
Me being me I wanted to get closer. I had to, So I did.

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