Boys With Dreams

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Now changed back into their regular yet sweaty clothes from earlier, the boys, the girls, Kelly, and Gustavo stood back in the record studio again. The boys stood facing Gustavo and Kelly with the girls beside them. Even if it had been an hour, they were surprised the sweat stains from their clothes were gone, or even that they were able to get all that eyeliner off.

Gustavo started to speak, "Okay, part three of the great pop-group boot campapalooza, The great song," he then turned around to sit at the piano before playing a melody.

Kelly flipped over a piece of paper containing the lyrics, "It's called 'girl time,'" she revealed, striding up to the boys and giving them each a paper before turning around to give a paper for the three girls to share

As Gustavo played the melody he spoke, "It's a song about no matter what time of day it is," he paused playing for effect, "Don't you know it's girl time?" he sang, striking the chord.

Erika skimmed the piece of paper, eyeing the lyrics and noticing why Gustavo didn't want to bring back another boy group before his flight to Minnesota. It's like he couldn't stop writing the word 'girl' into any of their songs.

Gustavo stood up from the piano chair pretending to yawn, "I just woke up. What time is it? It's girl time," he pointed at them, "Excuse me, sir. Do you know what time it is? Yeah. It's girl time," he reaffirmed and Britney laughed lightly to herself wondering if Gustavo has ever even had a girl like that in his life. Though she definitely didn't want to imagine it.

Logan spoke up, "What if you have a sinus Infection? Isn't that doctor time?"

Gustavo lifted his hands to hit head which was covered by his hoodie, "No. No, no, it's still girl time!" he exclaimed, shaking his hands at them.

Logan nodded looking back down at the lyrics, "Mm, right..."

Kendall looked up from his paper, "Do any of your songs not have the word 'girl' in them?" he asked, holding up the sheet at him.

Erika smirked lightly, a bit humored that he said out loud what she was originally thinking and he glanced at her briefly noticing her small reaction before looking back at Gustavo's waving hands again. Sabrina on the other hand was recounting the lyrics of every song they've sung, confidently assuming there was a song or two that didn't have the word 'girl', but of course they weren't as popular. Weird correlation.

"Heh. Well, le-let's find out, Mr. Question Everything I Do," he said loudly, "Let's take a look at my wall of platinum records!" he boomed before pushing between Kendall and James to walk up to one side of his records to list them, "There's, uh, Girl Like You, Girl, You Are My Girl, Hot Girl, Cold Girl, Girl To My Heart, Yard Squirrel Christmas..." Gustavo turned around realizing the odd song out, "I forgot that one was there. Uh, Girl Zone, Girl l Zone Remix, Girl Cake and Girl, Girl, Girl- Oh! And Dream Angel Dreams' Me & My Girls which sold three million copies and was number one for 5 weeks!" Gustavo screamed.

Carlos and James whipped their heads around to face the girls "Nice one," Carlos complimented genuinely and the three girls' lips curled up slightly from the first genuinity from the group.

Logan and Kendall turned their heads around after hearing their friend and Erika noticed the smug smirk on Kendall's face before turning back to Gustavo who had made his way back in Kendall's face again, "Any other questions, dog?" he asked, before lightly slapping his cheek.

"Are any of those songs from this girl-ennium?" Kendall spat out.

Instinctively, Kelly reached towards the girls, pushing them together as if to usher them to leave as soon as she saw Gustavo rumble.

"Cover your ears!" Britney screamed as she made a run for it out of the studio looking for the nearest table to cover under as her best friends followed, pushing each other to move quickly.

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