Big Time Rush

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Big Time Rush

"Go and shake it up, what you gotta lose?
Go and make your luck with the life you choose
If you want it all, lay it on the line
It's the only life you got
So you gotta live it big time"

Kelly texted the girls later that night, telling them that the boys stopped by Rocque Records to try one more time at their chance to be a band and that tomorrow they were going to start fresh. However, the girls already had it planned out. Britney was going to help them with their look, Sabrina was going to help them dance, and Erika was going to help them sing. 

Erika walked down the hall of Rocque Records, "Okay so it'll be simple and way easier like this," she explained to Sabrina and Britney, "I looked up a bunch of hockey terminology last night and everything I gathered from the one hockey game I've been to in my life I think we can pull this off."

Sabrina gave her an unsure look, "I don't know anything about hockey," she said bluntly.

Erika shrugged, "I'll explain it to them then."

Britney looked between the two, "So then what do clothes have to do anything with hockey?"

Erika hadn't thought about that, looking off to the side, "Gear? Maybe? I don-" the idea popped into her head, "Girls. Girls will like them if they dress like x, y, z. Boom."

Britney nodded as Sabrina snickered and they walked into the record studio finding Gustavo, Kelly and the boys.

"So you guys are back," Sabrina spoke, as she stopped in front of them.

They all noded and Gustavo spoke, "They are," he confirmed, "And we're not doing 'Girl Time' anymore."

Kelly nodded, "Thankfully."

"So what's the song then?" Erika asked and Kendall spoke.

"It's called Big Time Rush," Erika raised her eyebrows and smirked at her friends knowing where the name came from.

Gustavo nodded, "And... it doesn't sound terrible," he admitted and the boys moved around excitedly, "Er- Ah- Woo- Uh, Kiera!" Gustavo slipped over his words almost saying her real name, "Please teach the dogs how to harmonize, or hold a note- You know what just teach them how to warm up!"

Erika laughed, moving to the piano before Carlos spoke up, "Sounds easy enough. How hard is it to harmonize?"

Erika, Sabrina, and Britney all turned their head towards Carlos simultaneously, moving close to one another as Erika sang first.

"You triflin', good-for-nothing type of brother
Oh silly me, why haven't I found another?"

And then Sabrina sang the lower key.

"You triflin', good-for-nothing type of brother
Oh silly me, why haven't I found another?"

And then Britney sang the high key.

"You triflin', good-for-nothing type of brother
Oh silly me, why haven't I found another?"

And they were now harmonizing.

"You triflin', good-for-nothing type of brother
Oh silly me, why haven't I found another?"

The boys all looked at them scared and obviously impressed by their vocal ability. Carlos swallowed hard, as Logan nodded breathing out, "Okay, let's practice," he almost begged.

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