Chapter 44: Breath Underwater

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"No matter how prepared you are, there is still someone that will drive you to stutter, moreover spill a coffee to yourself"

🌊Breath Underwater🌊


It was like a bliss when my eyes opened, staring at the chalky, colorless ceiling while the lights shone like the Light. I found myself in a dimmed room with curtains common for a hospital bed. I waken to my consciousness. This time, I could hear my heart beating and every nerve in me feeling the same thing as last time. The dream a second ago—a terror to the point that I will do anything to forget those memories; and rather, I would wish to come back from forgetting everything. 

I looked to my side; surprised when I saw Rijo. He became frantic when he noticed me. All of his worries gathering in one place. He looked relieved as if he was waiting for me to wake up. I saw the others on my side. Noah and Tori came closer to my bedridden self. 

A gaze on a dark corner caught my attention. When my vision cleared, I saw Sage staring at me with anticipation. Like a shot into my brain, I moved astern, panicky. My legs crawled backwards, making my back touch the cold railings of the bed while the bed made a creaking sound. I pulled the sheets to me for some kind of protection. Fear was embedded to my face. They all flinched when I acted scared. One knew that it was uncommon for me to act like that. 

Rijo was the first and only one to notice the situation. He took a glance at Sage; as he stood, Sage turned his gaze at him. 

"Hey..." Rijo called with an authoritative voice. "Fresh air might do you some good." he shot to Sage.

"What?" Sage's eye brows furrowed. It made me more afraid when his eyes became sharper than a fox. Tori brushed her hands on my arms and patted my back to try and comfort me.

"I said you can go out now," he suggested with a stern face. 

Disbelief was evident on Sage's face. His brows met while his lips continued to go crescent. Not a moment after, he chuckled.

"Why would I go out?" Sage mockingly said.

"...Yeah, why would he go out?" Noah whispered.

"Noah," Tori called him, widened her eyes and shook her head gently as if relaying a message. 

"Helio...!" Sage shouted my name. "It's great that you woke up. I was so worried-"

"Don't..." Rijo cut him, "call his name." 

Sage clenched his jaws and glared at Rijo. He stood up slowly, retaining his composure. He sighed right after. But when when he took a step closer, Rijo held his shoulder and stopped him from walking closer to me. The next glare he gave Rijo was different, too much different than the previous situations I remembered. A relentless stare, drilling into his irises; shrinking pinpoints toward the size of a needle locked to him like a target. I would not last a second if I was the one he gave the glare. The second-hand fear was devouring me; I could hold tight on Rijo and pull him right off at this second, but fear wouldn't let me. 

Sage leaned to the side out of Rijo's blockage. "Helio, are you alright?"

Tori held my hand tight to stop it from shaking. I didn't even realize that my arms were trembling too much. My breath started to weaken. I could feel myself beginning to hyperventilate. 

"I...I can't now." I looked down. "I can' to you right now." My throat shivered as I let out those words. The words of denial; the words that have been castaway to the shore; the words from a bruised ego. "Can you do me a favor...? Please leave," I plead without ever looking at him.

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