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Nitya is 24 years old with 5'6 height with a perfect figure and almond colour body tone and the most attractive is her eyes which are blue like an ocean but in that ocean there are thousands of secrets that no one knows......

NITYA SHARMA,   Nitya is 24 years old with  5'6 height with a perfect figure and almond colour body tone and the most attractive is her eyes which are blue like an ocean but in that ocean there are thousands of secrets that no one knows

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Akansha is 29 years old with 6'3 height and has a muscular body with black eyes that compliment his looks but his cold nature that can shiver the person that are around to him......

 Akansha is 29 years old with 6'3 height and has a muscular body with black eyes that compliment his looks but his cold nature that can shiver the person that are around to him

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Let's see what will happen when both of them get to know each other . Does there meet bring some changes to them or ........

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