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God views Israel as his wife (Israel was God's wife in the old testament but now the church is God's wife in the new testament and so forth), the Church God's wife consist of both Jewish and gentile believers in Christ.

Bible scriptures proving that Israel was God's wife (or that God was married to Israel) in the old testament: Isaiah 54:5, Hosea 2:7, Joel 1:8; etc.

Bible scriptures proving that the Church is now God's wife or bride in the new testament and even now today and forever: Revelation 19:7-9, 2 Corinthians 11:2, Ephesians 5:25-27; etc.

As you see Israel was God's (Yahweh) wife in the old testament. Just like a husband dearly loves the woman he is married too Yahweh loves his chosen chosen people the Jews and also his church (consisting of both Jewish and gentile believers in Christ) which is now his current wife.

Just like a husband tries to do everything to make his wife happy Yahweh did everything to make his wife Israel happy by offering them redemption and to experience the joys of eternal salvation through his Son Jesus Christ.

Just like a husband tries to protects his wife from all physical danger,Yahweh in the old testament did everything in his Almighty power to protect his chosen people Israel from both spiritual and physical danger.

Just like a husband get's jealous when he sees his wife flirting with other men and angry when his wife is commiting adultery with other men Yahweh got angry and jealous (although a holy and righteous jealousy because we belong to God as both Jewish and gentile believers in Christ) when Israel his chosen people were committing spiritual adultery (worshipping false gods and idols) in the old testament.

Also just like a husband is physically intimate (sexual intercourse) with his wife sometimes Yahweh is always spiritually intimate with his bride the church by our worship of him through our praises and services unto him.

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