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Felix have been back from the hospital an hour ago. He left the Operation Theatre just ten minutes after three o'clock, right after making sure he closed the breast bone of the patient with wire, he left the stitching up to be done by Yeosang whom didn't complain after Felix promised to get him lunch tomorrow afternoon.

On his way out of the hospital, he bumped into Yoon Chaewon. An intern whom seems to have developed some romantic feelings for him but he's sorry for the girl, he doesn't see her as anything else but a younger sister he never had and she knows it as well which might have been why she has never confessed her feelings for him.

She asked him about the surgery and they had a little chit chat before he bade her goodbye and headed for the hospital parking lot. Honestly it was nice speaking with her, they're decidedly close, Felix has also helped her countless times on matters regarding their profession. Also why Felix feels comfortable in her presence is because despite her feelings for him, she respected his personal space and also maintained a high level of professionalism with him. She's a nice and beautiful girl but he has nothing for her.

On his way home, he stopped at a wine shop to fetch some wine. He was granted access into the cellar since he's a VIP member, so he went towards the shelves that held Red, White and Rose wines, picked three of the most expensive ones, they were so expensive as if they were the actual wine that Jesus turned from water. He's a wine lover, so he knows a good wine whenever he sees one.

He called Jeogin some minutes ago to help him get ready. He wishes to do all he can to impress Hyunjin.

He's naturally a good cook, so preparing the dinner was easy peasy for him.

He has just finished preparing the meal. He also plans for a good desert, so he decided to bake some brownies.

Even though they were hanging out in his house not some fancy restaurant, he still feels the need to dress up real good. Jeogin will help him pick the outfit.

Oh yeah, he also wants to dye his hair but haven't decided on the color yet, he will see which color is suitable for him.

His door bell chimmed, which means that Jeogin is here.

It's currently 4:52pm, so he still have enough time before Hyunjin shows up.

"Thanks bud for showing up". He said after answering the door and letting Jeogin in.

"Oh please, I won't want you looking like a doctor on a date". Jeogin chuckled lightheartedly.

"What do you mean looking like a doctor". Felix fake gasped in mock annoyance.

"Who knows if you don't find a suitable outfit, you might just put on your white coat and appear in front of Hyunjin, I wonder what he will think". Jeogin shrugged.

"Yah! Yang Jeogin, I'll kill you one day with my scapel". Felix nearly screamed chasing the younger.

"Oh, I see, you abandoned saving lives to kill people now". The younger kept running his mouth despite the fact that he's still running for his life.

"I.N.ahhh". Felix shrieked.

"Yes Yongbok hyung, you finally called me I.N". Says Jeogin smiling.

"Don't call me Yongbok, call me anything but that". Felix admonished, he for some reason doesn't like his Korean name.

"Yes, Dr Lee". Jeogin teased grinning widely.

"Ahhh". Felix exclaimed giving up. "Okay let's get to it already, which one are we doing first, selection of outfits or dyeing my hair". He asked changing the subject knowing very well that he can't win Jeogin in an argument.

"C'mon Felix, stop pouting". Jeogin consoled him hugging him from the back which caused Felix to grin slyly.

"I gotcha, where's my scapel". The older yelled grinning from ear to ear.

"Felix hyung, you're no fun at all, you always use this trick, it has gotten old". The younger complained with a big pout.

"You're right, yet you fall for it every single time". Felix reminded raising an eyebrow while smirking.

"What can I do, you're too cute to resist whenever you're sulking". Jeogin rolled his eyes despite the big grin on his face.

"Aww, see who's calling me cute, you're the cute one with that big grin on your face". Felix exclaimed humbly, pinching both of Jeogin's cheeks.

"Oh see who's blushing". Jeogin taunted making the older blush harder.

"Okay, let's get to business before Hyunjin graces us with his presence". Felix was quick to divert the attention from himself.

"Oh you don't want your prince charming to see you in a pyjamas, right".

"Yahhh!!! This is not a pyjamas, it's just a matching plain outfit". Felix defended himself going red at Jeogin's words.

"It's still a pyjamas".

"You always want to get the last word, don't you?". Felix lamented.

"Hahahaha, you always give up too early. Anyway, we'll dye your hair first before selecting an outfit for you". The younger suggested.

"Okay, you call the shots". Felix said giving him a high five while grinning.

"Let's get to it, I can't wait to see how it'll turn out".

"To my bathroom, everything you need is there already". Felix squealed eager to see which color he ends up with.

An hour later, Jeogin entered Felix's bedroom without the later. It turns out they decided that Felix have his bath while Jeogin sort out the outfit himself.

At exactly 8:00pm , the doorbell chimmed causing Felix to still. He was pacing around worried sick that Hyunjin might have changed his mind and won't show up.

But the ringing of the doorbell said otherwise, he can't think of anyone else that it'd be. He has set the table long ago with the help of Jeogin. He rushed around making sure everything was perfect.

"Jeogin, how do I look". He asked anxiously.

"Relax Felix, you look great". The younger assured him, putting both of his hands on Felix's shoulder to calm him down later pulling him in a hug.

"I hope Hyunjin likes it". He spoke again but the doorbell ringing again made him compose himself.

"Well that's my cue to leave". Jeogin spoke up before quickly adding "Stop fretting, trust me, you look fabulous, the hair made you look incredibly gorgeous. I'm sure Hyunjin will love it, if he doesn't then his taste is definitely bland". The younger said jokingly in an attempt to ease Felix up.

The doorbell chimmed again immediately he finished speaking.

"Go get the Man, you can't keep your date waiting on your first date". Jeogin urged while leaving through the back door of Felix's apartment, giving him a thumbs up as a sign of Good Luck.

"Okay, here goes nothing". Felix mummured walking towards the door.

"Standing in front of the door, he took a deep breath, stretched out his hand and unlocked the door, coming face to face with Hyunjin who seemed to have lifted his hand to ring the bell for the fourth time.

His breath hitched (Ah I lose my breath when you're walking in, cause when our eyes lock, it's like my heart stops).

This is it, I know it was supposed to come yesterday but sorry for the late update

Stream Lose My Breath by Stray kids ft Charlie Puth

Download Shazam if you can

Also the new cover have a spoiler for the next chapter

Shalom ✌️✌️

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