part 2

73 23 13

Flora pov

I was really feeling bad for tae but I can't do anything i can't control myself when I was in my drunken state

I know he must be angry with me but he can't stay away from me were only eachothers bestfriend

We don't have any other person in our life like a friend we both are

End of pov

After taehyung went from there flora directly went inside the club again

After 20 min flora took his Playboy from the club to the mansion again

In the morning

Yoongi was sitting in living room while his head was down

Just when flora came out of her room with just her hoodie and shorts

Just after seeing yoongi flora started to shiver in fear but she got frozed at her place after seeing a tear drop from yoongi eye's

She immediately rushed towards yoongi and sat infront of him kneeling down

And cup yoongi's face in her hands and made him look at herself

Again a tear escape from yoongi's eye's after seeing flora's neck

Which was all covered in purple marks yoongi turn his face to other side in order to not make eye contact with her

Just when flora broke the silence with her broken thoughts cause in the first time

In her life she had never seen yoongi cry like this and she's curious to know the reason behind his tears

She turned his face towards herself again and ask in worried

" Hyung what happened to you hyung tell me "

Just when yoongi held both of the hands of flora and kissed back of her palm and said

"  - am i won't enough for you flora ?

[ He started to cry his heart out which left flora speech less she's trying to console him but he's not ready to listen her ]

Today he has too many questions, too many complains about himself and he wants answer of all of them

" Tell me , tell me flora am I not enough to give you love of a mother , a father , a brother am I not enough ?

" Tell me if I ever back off from any of my responsibilities towards you , is my love towards you , my care towards you is nothing ????

TELL ME ? AM I DOESN'T WORTH LOVE , CARE , AFFECTION TO ? Tell me flora tell me ......

[ Yoongi lost his control on himself today he forgot about every single thing but remember only one thing is how he alone grown her up , how he used to buy every single of her wants , how he used to to do everything she says , so how today he's not enough ]

" Hyu- hyung who told you this you're enough hyung you-

" SHUT UP .....

" Aren't you the one who told this to taehyung, aren't you the one who says I just see you as my responsibility .


" And do you even know what you did to taehyung in your drunken state ... Do you know ?

" I - I'm sorry for everything hyung I didn't mean to hurt you i -

" Just sorry flora my love , my sister just a sorry would heal what your words had broken

[ Now flora's heart scattered into pieces after seeing the pain in yoongi's voice and in his eye's she's already trying her best to control herself from crying but now she broke down ]

" No hyung , no my hyung don't say like this I'm taking my word's back but don't say like this you know I don't even know what I say and what I do when I was drunk and you know that

[ Yoongi was silently listening to each and every single word of her ]

" But some how he's silence was killing her voice "

" Hyung hyung.....say something to me........ Are you trying to kill me with your fucking silence

" Hyung ...... I'm talking to you are you listening hyung.......

[ She's screaming her heart out but it seems like it wasn't going through yoongi's ears ]

[ She's screaming her heart out but it seems like it wasn't going through yoongi's ears ]

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" I don't know why I'm afraid to lose you even though
You're not mine ".


You're what I've dreamed of

I hope you'll enjoy it till now don't forget to vote ✨

My lovely Army's this is for you 💜✨

Remember one thing never think you're not enough for anyone be the one you want eat well and sleep well

________lots of love_______

Flora to fatima || 📚 [ PJM ] Where stories live. Discover now