part 15

23 10 2

_______ I do!

Priest smile in little and give yoongi a supportive hug and spoke

" Now bride and groom may kiss !

Everyone started to scream for the new wedded couple just when jimin block tae's view by his hand's when tae spoke loudly in irritating tone

" Yah ! Jiminshi only for this moment I've been working hard from past two day's let me see move aside now ...

Mr and Ms kim were now laughing along with the croud after seeing how cute their son is everyone attention again stick to the couple when ms kim tease yoongi

" Yoongi ! Now she's your legal wife now Kiss ! what are you even waiting for ?

yoongi was looking at his parent's with a range of anger in his eye's and seeing an beautiful opportunity as held yoongi's shoulder while pulling him toward's her with one hand on yoongi's neck she kiss him and yoongi respond her back while everyone is admiring the moment Jimin and tae were now in each others arm's up tae lift jimin in bridal style in happiness.

when yoongi break the kiss while looking fondly in aera's eyes and grab a mic as yoongi spoke

" Now ! Will you please come inside ?

As yoongi announce everyone eyes were stuck on the door during that time the door got wide open revealing flora later examine the person , each one's jaw dropped as flora happened to be appear like a were wolf her dark black hair, her hazel green eye's, grey tank top with black sweat Pant's and as platinum accessories while her hand's were cover in blood

" I'll be back , I was so hungry !

flora said while lifting up her hand in the air to show yoongi , he just give a nod and flora came back after washing her hand's and hug yoongi immediately

" I luv u hyung! I luv u so much

" Hm !

flora broke hug with yoongi and meet aera , after a while flora grab mic and call tae and jimin on stage as she drawn everyone attention toward's her , when her eye's met with tae's as he was looking nervous and worried at the same time flora spoke

" As it was Min Yoongi's and Ms Aera's wedding, it wasn't supposed to be normal right so because of my absences I couldn't prepare anything and tomorrow we will held the greatest wedding in the whole world !

Yoongi and aera were looking at each other in confusion when Jimin Spoke near tae

" What she's upto ?

" I don't know God knows !

" Tomorrow this scene will again get recreate by the same couple but in a different way and the theme is black so don't forget to join us ...

" If you're done! let's take a family photo ....

As yoongi say flora adjust herself beside him as she sat down along with the Jimin Jimin sat at aera's side and tae sat in between four of them when flora spoke

" Joshua ! come on my boy how much more will you make me wait ?

Joshua immediately throw the remote toward's flora and she catch it away Smoothly and told everyone to look at the camera


After greeting all the guests Aera and yoongi sat back on the stage with jimin and tae when yoongi spoke

" Tae ! how she get the to know about the wedding ?

" I don't know ! why don't you ask her on your own : HEY MIN FLORA HYUNG WERE CALLING YOU

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