Twenty Eight.

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Author's note: Just warning ya that the end gets a tiny bit graphic! Not that much, but I just wanted to let you know :)

Jordyn's P.O.V

A few months later...

It is now January 2nd, and I was planned to start dancing in the Rambert Dance Company tomorrow. If you didn't already guess, yes I submitted an application and sent in the video clip of me dancing, and I got accepted! Only ten spots were filled out of over a hundred auditions, so I was beyond blessed that I was chosen to be one of the dancers!

After I got the call stating that they had wanted me to perform and train with them, the boys threw me a party to celebrate. All of our families were there; it was similar to the barbeque we had a few weeks prior. Overall it was tons of fun.

There was no time for me to attend college with all of my dance classes, so I decided to wait out on college and see where this oppertunity takes me. If it didn't turn out the way that I had hoped, I would go to university in the fall, but I am hoping that this all works out.

The building where the dance company is located is only about a ten minute drive from our house, so I luckily could live home and just commute there. It's kind of good in a way, because I get to spend time with the boys before they go on tour. The only bad thing was that when the boys leave for tour. I don't know if I am going to want to live here by myself. I could go live with my parents, even though its been almost three years since I've lived with them. But then again, I love this house, and the boys will be coming back to live here again after the world tour, so I'm allowed to stay here now since I'm not going away to college. I guess I'll make the decision of staying or leaving after the boys leave to see if I want to or not.

I was currently in my closet preparing my outfits for tomorrow. On Mondays and Wednesdays I have a lecture on the History of Dance at 11 A.M-12 P.M, then I have a half hour break, and then I have dance class from 12:30 P.M-3 P.M. On Tuesdays and Thursdays I just have rehearsal from 11-3. It seems kind of long, dancing for 4 hours, but I was willing to do it. And besides, doing what I love to do for hours at a time will not bore me at all, if anything it will be fun. We have off on Fridays, and the weekend of course, but we have a variety of showcases, performances and workshops that we will attend on the weekends. Anyways, back to my outfits. I needed one outfit for my lecture, just regular clothes, and then for my class I needed a sports bra and booty shorts. At first I was hesitant about wearing a sports bra, after what I've been through, but I sucked it up, and I'm learning to accept my body for how it is. 

I heard footsteps coming into my room, so I peeked my head out of my closet and saw Zayn scanning my room with his eyes, looking for me. I cleared my throat, and his head snapped in my direction.

"There you are" He laughed, and walked over to me. "What are you doi-" He stopped and looked into my closet. "Woah, your closet is a freakin mess!" He exclaimed.

"I couldn't decide what color sports bra and booty shorts to wear! I have like every color possible!" I said.

"Well which ones did you pick?" He asked.

"The red" I held up the red sports bra and matching red booty shorts for Zayn to see.

"Ahh, good choice" He laughed. "Before I go to bed I just wanted to wish you good luck tomorrow, since I probably won't be awake before you leave in the morning" 

"Aw thanks Zayn" I stood up from the floor and pulled him in for a hug. A few moments later I could feel someones presence behind us. I looked over Zayns shoulder and saw Harry standing there, with his arms crossed.

"Zayn are you trying to make a move on my girlfriend?!" He pretended to be mad. Me and Zayn pulled away from each other, so Harry took the oppertunity to come in between us and wrap his arms around me, protecting me from Zayn.

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