Part- 22

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(The morning sun bathes the balcony in a warm glow. Y/n stands there, earbuds in, listening to music. She waters the plants with a melancholic air, her face reflecting a lingering sadness.)

Jungkook(guilty face):  I don't like her watching like this...have to do something...!!!" (Watching her from distance.)

(Jungkook a pang of guilt twisting his gut. He needs to break the ice, to make her smile again. A mischievous glint enters his eyes. He grabs his phone, pulling up a random Bollywood song on Youtube.)

Jungkook (to himself): Time for some crazy antics. That should get a reaction.

(He bursts into a dance, wildly flailing his limbs to the unfamiliar music. His attempts are hilariously off-beat, culminating in a spectacular fall that wouldn't be out of place in a slapstick comedy. Y/n, startled, throws her head back and laughs.)

Jungkook (triumphantly to himself): Ha! Its working you have to give more it jk do it...!!!

(Y/n continues watering her plants, a hint of a smile playing on her lips. However, she studiously avoids his gaze.)

Y/n(to herself): I know why he is doing this...but this not gonna (trying not hard to laugh) w-work...!!!

(Meanwhile, Hema, who was walking up to the second floor's hallway, stops dead in her tracks. Curiosity piqued, she peeks through the gap in the balcony door. The sight that greets her is both comical and concerning.)

Hema (whispering): What on earth is Jungkook doing? And why does Y/n seem so…sad?

(Seizing an opportunity, Hema approaches Y/n, her voice dripping with feigned helplessness.)

Hema: Y/n, excuse me. My laptop is at the repair shop, and I have an urgent email to send for work. Would it be alright if I borrow your laptop for a few minutes?

Y/n (surprised, but unable to refuse): Oh, of course, Di  go and take that from my room. That's on my study table.

(Hema beams, a silent victory playing out in her eyes. This is her chance to search Y/n's room. As Y/n gets engrossed in watering the plants again, Hema slips into the room.)

(Jungkook, oblivious to the drama unfolding inside, decides to raise the stakes. He cranks up another Bollywood song, attempting even more elaborate (and disastrous) dance moves. This time, his fall is so dramatic he lets out a loud groan, clutching his back.)

Y/n (alarmed): Jungkook shii! (She shouted his name) Are you okay?

(She rushes to his side, concern etched on her face leaving watering plants. A flicker of warmth ignites in Jungkook's chest – a reaction far more potent than the one he'd hoped for.)

Jungkook (grinning): I'm alright, I think. Just a little tumble.

Y/n (relieved): Thank goodness! You scared me half to death. But why were you dancing so… strangely? (A little laugh came from her mouth.)

Jungkook (thinking fast): Oh, well, with the reunion party, I figured I should be prepared. You know, as Hema noona's friend visiting from abroad, it wouldn't be good if I couldn't dance at an Indian school reunion party, right? Learning Bollywood moves from Youtube seemed like a good idea…!!!

Aise Mujhe Tum Mile 🌹 < JUNGKOOK FFWhere stories live. Discover now