36 | Forgiveness

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A faint beeping and soft snores in the distance was the only thing she could hear. Her eyes scrunched together before they cracked open just a peek- just enough to get a clue as to where she was.

She brought a hand up to rub her eyes, surprised to feeling a tugging on the back of her hand. Her eyes opened again to find an I.V. hooked up to her, pumping medicine throughout her body. Medicine for what? A dull ache in her stomach had all the memories crashing back.

"Slow down, Sophie. You're okay." A deep but gentle voice soothed her, followed by a hand on her shoulder.

She opened her mouth to respond, nothing but a raspy squeak coming out. Sully got to his feet and held a cup of water up to her mouth, assisting her to drink it to help her speak.

She swallowed and tried again. "Is he okay?"

He blinked, caught off by the question. "Your husband just tried to kill you and you're asking if he's okay?" He exasperated, softly.

She bit her lip, trembling. "Yeah..." she sighed.

He eyed her, bewildered at the human. He noticed her tremors and the way she anxiously wrung her hands together. Tears were gathered in her eyes, wide and panicked, but she fought them off. She knew once she started to cry, she wouldn't be able to stop.

"He's fine," he responded, finally.

"And everyone else?"

His eyes softened. "Everyone is okay... thanks to Cillian, actually."

Her head tilted at the statement, her expression pleading for him to continue.

"After he stabbed you, it was like he snapped back into reality," Sully further explained. "He realized what he had done and just.... Lost it. He made sure you were taken care of and then single handedly took out at least half of their men. Makes sense considering he knew where all their explosives and weapons were. With the additional packs we had with us, we were able to take every last one of them down."

"And he's okay?"

"For the most part, physically, yes."

Her eyebrows pinched together. "What aren't you telling me? Why isn't he here?"

His gaze fell, his jaw ticked in thought. "He sends his love from... from afar."

Her jaw became slack and a single tear traced down her cheek as she realized, "He doesn't-" she swallowed hard, her throat closing with emotion. "He doesn't want to see me?"

It had been going on three weeks now since that conversation between Sully and Sophie.

For short periods of time, and from a distance, Sophie would catch glances of Cillian- but that was all. Because of the distance between them, their health had begun to deteriorate, but they were able to still function throughout the day. They were just exhausted, miserable, and empty versions of themselves.

Sophie knew why he was avoiding her, and she believed he was an idiot for it. She understood his fear of hurting her again, considering he almost killed her, but she still loved him. She still wanted him. She knew that wasn't him.

He had been going to a phycologist weekly, working on his trauma and fear conditioning. He had grown expeditiously, but still didn't trust himself.

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