True Face Of Monday's

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Y/N was annoyed.

He was expecting the win last week to purge the fire that was lit inside him but it didn't. If anything it made the fire burn even brighter leaving Y/N right where he started all those months ago just pissed off and frustrated.

Which seemed to be the new norm for him these days and he hated it. He used to be jovial but now it seemed like he was on edge every day just waiting for something to tick him off so he would snap, do something rash, and challenge them to a match for his title.

A trap he wouldn't prevent himself from freefalling into when he interrupted Seth's interview after he called him out earlier in the night. Y/N says "Nice suit. I might need to get one."

Seth responds "Finally someone else around here understands fashion. Your dress sense over the past few weeks has been revolutionizing nearly as revolutionary as mine."

Y/N and Seth both break into maniacal laughter before they both stop both eyes locking as the feigned politeness is thrown out of the window as the tension rises. "I would like it even better if there was gold sprinkled there. But you and gold don't seem to be matching nowadays. How long since you last held gold? You see whoever holds the gold is the face of the show."

"You've been doing a good job as champion as of late but you got it all wrong kid. I'm still the face of Monday Nights it doesn't matter if I champion or not. Seth takes off his sunglasses as he shouts "Because the man makes the title, not the title makes the man! So let's see what kind of champ you are!"

Y/N kisses his teeth as he tilts his head thinking before he breaks out into hysterical laughter of his own "You want to see what kind of champ I am? You want to know what kind of man I really am? Then let's do it right now unless you can't pull your head away from the riddle you've been struggling to solve."

"Seth Rollins vs Y/N L/N tonight for the United States Title? I accept. Maybe if you weren't so distracted by your vendetta it wouldn't be so easy to pluck the gold away from you."

Y/N was heading back to his locker room to change into his ring gear as he mentally prepared himself to deal with the visionary as he ran through ideas trying to plan for the man of many names. So when somebody called out for him he wasn't in the mood to talk. "Y/N! Wait a second."

Y/N groaned, turning around thinking it was somebody else till he saw it was Rhea, the anger dissipated but kept walking off. "Rhea walk with me." Rhea joined as he walked back to his locker room and joked "Wassup Nutcracker or do you prefer" Y/N exaggerated using his ring announcer voice "The Ballbuster."

Rhea broke into a small smile "Nutcracker sounds better." The small smile fades "I came to ask how are you doing?"

Y/N says nonchalantly "I'm fine. How are you doing?"

"I'm feeling great, much better than you truly feel." Y/N eyes dart up from tying his laces locking eyes with Rhea who shrugged "You're not a hard read, you're a terrible liar and with what happened last week it's easy to imagine what you're going through. You forced Edge to pass out."

Y/N shouted as months worth of frustration finally seeped into his voice "What do you want me to do? His arse was laid out for a good minute but the referee was losing his shoes nearly costing me the win and then Edge wouldn't tap. Last week was a shitshow."

Rhea took a seat next to him as she said supportively "I'm not against you. I'm your friend here. I agree last week was a shitshow. I just want to congratulate you on your win in Toronto and to say thanks. You gave us an opportunity to put Edge back on the sideline." She huffed, clearly annoyed by their setback "Something we failed to finish but his Judgement Day will come."

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