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ime is precious, and Hermione always knew of the saying, but she never fully understood the simple words until that moment. The moment she had to part from the companions she saw as brothers. Her best friends. The ones who had supported her through the depths of despair and through everything they'd suffered. She had to let them go, even though she knew she would miss them. She knew, deep down, that even though there was a chance she would never see the pair again, she had to be unselfish about it. After all, it wasn't just her it affected, it was just that it affected her the most.

"You will write when you can, won't you?" The brunette questioned the duo, a hint of desperation in her tone, as though she needed the clarification to sought out some little comfort that she could to be able to let them go. She had to have at least some form of promise from them, however insignificant it seemed to be.

"Whenever we can, we will." Harry promised, emerald eyes sparkling with unshed tears behind his glasses, the departure deeply wounding for him too. He was very worried, the thought of anything happening to his best friend sickening for him as he feared for Hermione's safety just as a brother would, but he also knew that she was doing right by them and others remaining alone without them.

"It may be dangerous, but you're certainly worth it," Ron clarified to her, somehow knowing that she secretly had the desire to know she would be wanted and missed, however selfish it seemed.

"I love you both. Good luck. Come back alive, ok? Or I'll hex you both into oblivion," She warned them, trying with little success to lighten the atmosphere as her voice cracked as she embraced the boys individually, lingering for as long as time would allow before they shot her one last futile attempt at a smile before they apparated, leaving a small cloud of dust and loneliness behind them as they were whipped away and consumed by the forces of apparation.

The Gryffindor girl didn't even try to stop the tear that threatened to seep from her eye down her cheek, nor did she let herself break down. She knew they'd left her for a reason and she knew that she had priorities to attend to that were for the benefit of others.

Looking around the secluded countryside where they had all just been congregated just moments before, Hermione sighed aloud and apparated to Professor McGonagall.


Once she arrived at the mentor's office, she allowed herself a few moments to shake off the unpleasant sensations of apparation and for herself to take a few deep breaths, which calmed hee twisted, churning stomach. She had never adapted well to any form of travel, be it magical or otherwise.

The intelligent girl rapped three times on the oak door, before hearing the granted permission she anticipated before, and with that, she entered the room, closing the door behind her slowly so it didn't slam unpleasantly before she strode up to the Professor's desk, a curious expression upon her intelligent features.

"Are you going to enlighten me of the arrangements?" Hermione asked the older woman, curiosity splayed over her face even more so at the Professor's hesitation.

"You are aware that the people who will be in your care are people who want something different. Who do not want to go down the dark route. They all have their reasons." The professor stated to the younger girl, ensuring the latter understood.

"Can you tell me who these people are yet?" Hermione asked quizzically, impatient to know who she would be reforming into a better character.

"You will not like them at first, I guarantee, to which I do not blame you. They haven't given you an easy time in the past. There are five Slytherins, each with their own reasoning. Two want to make something of themselves and not be clouded by their dark family names and infamous reputations, one is slightly younger than yourself but was almost forced to join the death eaters early, so handle them carefully because I know it isn't too late for them. The rest have their own reasoning which I guessed at in a way, but one surprised me, and did not wish to reveal their own reasoning. I must warn you, this will not be easy, and it will take a lot of self control from yourself to make this work, but I am convinced that you will be the best person for the job. It may take your mind of your current circumstances," the Professor said the last part softly, not wanting to upset her protégé.

Hermione's features reassembled as she attempted to shield her true emotions from her face. She'd gotten good at being unreadable and only those closest to her understood how she truly felt, but nobody more than herself.

"I understand," She confirmed, before quickly reminding herself exactly why she was doing what she was going to do. She had to give something back. Times of war were inevitable, and it had already begun. She had agreed, against her better judgement to remain with the 'reformees' as they were referred to as unless things got to the stage where Hogwarts was invaded, which would be a while away, yet it wasn't to be ruled out.

"Please apparate to the address I have given to you on the piece of parchment. Dispose of it immediately you get there," the bespectacled Professor instructed, before she said gently,

"Good luck Miss Granger."

Hermione smiled wanly at the Professor before her, as she prepared for another sickening apparation, which she wasn't exactly overjoyed about, but nevertheless, she did as she was told and with another twist and tugging sensation taking a hold of her inner organs, seeming to crush them and squeeze them as they contorted inside of her as she hurled through the air, landing with an ungracious thud in an undignified heap on the grassy ground, which tickled her toes through her opened toe shoes.

She ignored the irritating tickle at her toes as she ventured towards what she assumed to be the accommodation she'd be residing in with five other serpents as she thought of them as. Her eyes trailed across the accommodation. The place wasn't exactly well kempt from the outside, but Hermione supposed it averted people from suspicion.

As the toffee eyed beauty entered the house, she was pleasantly surprised at what she found. A neat hallway with black, practical carpeting, complete with simple white walls, which made the hall look cosy yet classy. As she removed her shoes and pulled her socks from her enchanted bag, she shuffled onwards into a sitting room, complete with leather grey sofas, and matching armchairs, each with footrests if necessary and equipped with cup holders. Hermione was glad to see that there was a television and it was in full working order as it stood proudly upon an glass polished stand. There were a few muggle pictures hung around the room, and a few lamps, which meant the room would be cosier if they did not have the main chandelier on. Although, Hermione very much doubted that the Slytherins would 'lower' themselves to use lamps, even if chandeliers were an ordinary occurence to come across for them. The kitchen was connected, and the surfaces were gleaming, the cupboards were full, Hermione found, with muggle delicacies, as well as wizarding world delicacies and there was a big table for them to all eat around.

She sought out the upstairs, finding most of the rooms were en suite, with their own polished bathrooms and double beds. There were six rooms in all, and the cosiest room was hers. Hermione sat down, admiring the decoration, the exquisitely arranged room, everything. She was looking forwards to living there, the excitement in her bubbled, as if she was a child away from home for the first time. When she thought of home, she thought with a pang, but she diminished any thoughts of her home with the task of demolishing the parchment with a finite incantartum.

The parchment had also had a minature time scrawled at the bottom, which Hermione presumed was the time that the Slytherins were due to arrive and most likely disturb the harmony of her new found haven.


Once she'd packed her things into the appropriate places, which didn't take long with her handy wand, she decided to prepare for the Slytherins to arrive. She knew that, being Slytherins, they would naturally be hostile and on their guard as second nature. She decided though, that she would treat them firmly but fairly, with respect, which meant addressing them by first names and being as welcoming as she possibly could whilst enforcing the rules and carrying out consequences. She resolved to follow by this, only resorting to any different actions should they progress or regress in any way, shape or form.

Now, all the rebellious haired Gryffindor could do was await their arrival with baited breath, praying silently to the non existent entities that the Slytherins would not be too harsh towards her, and although she was usually a realist, the slight optimist on hee helped her cling to the hope that it would not be as bad as she feared.

A/N: Welcome to my new story! The Reformed is a story I've been planning on, and I will be updating perhaps a few times a week. Hope you all enjoy!

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