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Full Chapter now posted below! 

Be sure to pop over to my profile and add 3 Month Leave | the MENTALIST to your reading lists! That's where I'll be posting the short story that takes place after Ronnie gets out of the hospital.

Be sure to pop over to my profile and add 3 Month Leave | the MENTALIST to your reading lists! That's where I'll be posting the short story that takes place after Ronnie gets out of the hospital

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"Something wrong?"

Ronnie snapped her cellphone shut and set it down on the counter, shaking her head abruptly. "Not at all." Eggs and sausage sizzled deliciously in the pan on the stove, filling the kitchen with the savory aroma. She sprinkled a healthy allowance of crushed black pepper and went back to slicing up fresh avocado. She'd been up for a few hours, some of her new aches and pains keeping her from sleeping fitfully. 

It was the new normal, after Arlov. 

Cho paused by the sink to set his water glass in the basin. He glanced at her phone and took two mugs from the cabinet. "You've been checking your phone a lot lately." They'd gotten into a good routine since living together, and moved seamlessly around each other with the same ease that they found in working together. 

His blonde partner shrugged casually. Too casually. He always knew when she was hiding something. "Breakfast is almost ready."

He poked his nose over her shoulder to take a whiff of the eggs and sausage, and then moved over to the toaster to butter their toast when it popped. "You really don't have to cook so much. It's not like you don't pay rent."

Their shared living space had morphed to accommodate the two of them since she moved in. Instead of the sparse counters and minimal amount of dishes that he'd had three months ago, his kitchen was now furnished with a new, bright red blender for their protein shakes, a vase of flowers on the bar because Ronnie couldn't help herself every time she passed the flower market every Saturday, and a cartoon drawing of a jacked Mona Lisa hung above the sink captioned 'Mona Lifta', because for some reason she thought gym jokes were the funniest way to decorate a house.

She dished up two plates and placed the avocado slices delicately on the sides. And, all of a sudden, he was eating eggs and sausage and toast with avocado for breakfast instead of microwaved bowls of instant oatmeal. "You don't like it when I cook?"

Cho dropped a slice of toast on each plate and then turned and placed bracing hands on her shoulders. His richly dark eyes dug into hers sincerely. "You'll have to fish later, Ronnie. The compliments aren't biting today."

"Shut up." She threw him off and gut punched him as he jumped out of her way, grinning as he went. Cho may have been the funniest person to flirt with, since he powered down like a desktop from the nineties every time she showed him womanly affection, but he was physically incapable of being manipulated, even as a joke. 

Ronnie Masters | the MENTALIST (COMPLETE)Where stories live. Discover now