Making Up

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Parker's POV:
WHAT just happened? Did Val just kiss me and walk off? Welp, I don't care. So I left Parker-style (AKA out the window).

I went to Val's garden bush, lifted leaf 37 on row 5 and BAM! The bush opened to reveal the Parker Tunnels. Yeah, I know I promised to close them but I had extra tools in my room. I had to!

Back in Rooney House #2, Liv tried to apologise for yesterday before she left in an hour for Broadway, but I just ran back to my room and packed as fast as I had ever done. And last year I packed in two minutes and I was bringing twelve suitcases.

But I wasn't staying at home. I was going to Val's. Ok, that's too dramatic. But I was staying there till the biodome. So I said my goodbyes to the Rooneys. But I couldn't leave for a year on bad terms with Liv! Could I?
So I went up to apologize. But she wasn't there. She had left for Broadway.

I ran. Fast as I could.
But was she there?
No. A big, fat NO.

So I went to the airport. Long story short, I caught a plane. To Manhattan, New York. When I arrived at the airport, six hours later, I ran to the Broadway theatre. Or, more accurately, got a cab.

But when I asked for Liv, they said she hadn't left LA yet.

I was SO angry. I realised I should have asked mom where Liv was.
Did I have to go all the way back to California? No way. No freaking way. I had gone from LA to NY! All this way! For what? NOTHING.

And there were NO more planes. None! Not one! And the worst thing? I had no money on me except enough to take me back to California.And since the airport wouldn't let me in, I was homeless for the night.
Manhattan. Manhattan. Where Dad's sister, Aunt Jessica, lives.
I can stay there! Only problem- I don't know where it is. Actually, scrap that. Another problem is that we haven't talked to her in years. I don't know why.

Then I saw these two bodyguards walking around. I really wanted to say hi to a real bodyguard so I decided to ask them where Jessica Rooney lived.

So I did. And they replied,
"Are you joking?"
So I said, "No..."
So the first one, said, "Kid, we work for Jessica Rooney. Why do you need to know, anyway?"
"She's my aunt?" I shot at him, "I'm stranded in NY so I need her. I'm Parker Rooney? Brother of Liv Rooney, the actress and Joey Rooney, the comedian?"

It felt kinda weird to use Joey to introduce myself, but now he's a sort-of celebrity! He's well known. And I need well known. Dang, that's weird to say.

They asked for my ID. Darn, I didn't have one! So they grumbled,
" What's Liv Rooney's birthday?"
"And Maddie's" I muttered, "it's November 5th, 1997."
"Wow," The second one sounded impressed, "and I think I remember you from Bits & Pieces."
So I went to Aunt Jessica's house. But 'mansion' would describe it more. As we pulled up in a freaking limo, I knew why we were out of contact.

She seemed pretty nice, though, and she welcomed me. I did notice that she never once mentioned Dad! A bit strange, if you ask me.
I lay on the couch for the night (which, BTW, was velvet). And I caught the next plane to LA.

Time for Val.

Scientific Love- A  Pal (Parker Rooney and Val Wishhart) Love StoryWhere stories live. Discover now