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" I will again apologise for coming late . I was just stuck with some work " Said Taehyun

" It's alright "

" Let me introduce myself , I am Kang Taehyun . CEO of Kang & Industries . I am 23 years old "

" You are 23 ?? I am 24 , I am older than you " Beomgyu exclaimed happily as he finally found someone younger than him

" Really ? "

Beomgyu nodded

" Finally, I found someone younger than me . Everyone in my family is older than me " Beomgyu said with a pout

" He is cute " Taehyun thought

" What are your hobbies ? " Asked Taehyun

" I don't have any hobbies . What about you ? "

" My hobbies are working and exercising"

" Oh that's nice "

They both got silent and walked in the garden . Beomgyu admired the garden .

" Can I ask you something ? " Taehyun asked

" Yeah sure "

" You are getting forced to marry me right ? If it's something like that then you can tell me  "

" No , it's nothing like that . Are you forced for this marriage ? It's completely fine if you don't wanna marry me . I will talk to my parents "

" No no , it's nothing like that . I know you must be thinking that because I came late on our first meeting "

Beomgyu slightly nodded

" But it's really not like that , I didn't wanna be late "

" I don't want anything but your time . If we didn't spend much time together , then this marriage won't be successful ."

" I want to clear one thing . It might disappoint you but I always prioritise my work . Your point is absolutely correct and I will try to make time for you but it will take time , I hope you understand "

" Yes , I do . I won't be joining my company for a month or two after our marriage . I hope in these months , we can develop understandings "

" I promise you that " Taehyun smiled

Beomgyu smiled back

" I want to clear one thing too . I really become annoying sometimes and you have to bear that "

" Ok , but can I know how I should handle you at that time ? "

" I-it's just I need cu-ddles and I am very talkative . As I am the only child so my parents spoiled me with too much love "

Taehyun giggled finding the older cute .

" Do you like kids ? " Taehyun asked

" I do but at the same time I don't . Kids are really cute and lovely but they can be  really annoying sometimes . What about you ? "

" I like kids , they are really lovely "

They both walked silently not knowing what to talk

" Do you wanna adopt kids later ? " Taehyun asked

" If you want then I don't have any problem "

Taehyun smiled

" So , do you really agree to this marriage ? " Taehyun asked

Beomgyu nodded while biting his lips .

" And you ? " Beomgyu asked

" I would love to marry someone as cute as you "

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