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" Why are you at your house ? " Yeonjun asked

" What do you mean ? " Beomgyu asked

" I mean, why aren't you at you in laws house ? "

" Taehyun went on a business trip and I was missing mom and dad so he suggested me to go to my parents "

" That bastard went on a trip just in a week "

" Don't curse in front of me and don't curse my husband "

" You husband can leave you and I can't even curse him ? "

" He didn't leave me , it was important for his company "

" You-"

" Oh My God hyung "

" What happened ? "

" You introduced me as Choi Beomgyu but I am Kang Beomgyu "

Yeonjun face palmed himself

" You guys haven't made an official announcement about your marriage "

" What if hyun gets angry on me ? "

" Hyun ? Who ? "

" Taehyun "

" Why would he get angry ? "

" Because I didn't use his name "

" Oh God Beomgyu , are you for real ? It's not a big deal "

" It is "

" Then you should go and see a doctor "

" You are so bad hyung "

" Not more than Taehyun "

" Don't you dare to say anything about him "

" You are so whipped "

" I am not "

" Oh Taehyun ? You came so early from the business trip ? " Yeonjun said while looking at the door

" Tae " Beomgyu got up from his seat and looked at the door but saw no one

Yeonjun burst into laughing while Beomgyu looked at him with an angry pout .

" You are so bad , I won't talk to you "

Beomgyu heard his phone ringing and saw Taehyun was calling him . Yeonjun snatched Beomgyu's phone from him pick up the call putting it on speaker .

" Hey princess , what are you doing ? " Taehyun asked

Yeonjun widened his and looked at Beomgyu with a smug face. Beomgyu felt his cheek heating up .

" Princess are you there ? "

Yeonjun controlled his laugh

" Ye-Yeah , I am having lunch . What about you ? "

" I am having lunch too "

" How was your meeting ? "

" It was good , how is your day at your company ? "

" It's not really good "

" Why ? What happened ? "

" Some people keep annoying me " Beomgyu said while glaring at Yeonjun

" You can fire them "

Yeonjun glare at the phone

" I can't "

" It's fine "

" What will you do now ? "

" I will roam around the place and buy something for princess "

" You will buy something for me ? " Beomgyu asked excitedly

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