FAREWELL/// for those who seek divinity

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Dear heavens, God isn't with us, this is something us, angels, have to admit. The council was corrupted, they hopelessly followed a trace of a God long gone, this has culminated into what heaven is now, a false paradise.

But the council is no more and there is potential for change,  for a better change, maybe God wasn't perfect, but he tried his best, so I want you, the next generation of angels to do. To create a better world we have to create better morals. First we have to acknowledge God's mistakes.

Hell isn't fair, one of the teachings of God were to always be willing to forgive people, eternal suffering isn't forgiveness, also, HELL is alive, and the closest thing to a God we have now, but it's a cruel one, even though it's one of God's creations we must limit it, after all, destroying it was even impossible for God.

The machines, son's of mankind are decimating hell, and even myself can't stop them, I already lost to one. Every sinner will die, and the world will be a blank canvas. The sons of God's sons did what God wanted to happen so badly. Now, we angels must create a new one, and not commit the same errors from the past.

But, the new earthling deserve free will?

Free will is freedom, the freedom to do as they want, freedom to create a world they want to live in. That's why we should let them be free. But, just like a child, we must guide them through the first steps until they can be by themselves. 

And now, it's a new era of change, and I won't be there with you, but you have to know, follow your heart. Your devotion to God shows you're kind, that's why you should follow your own morals. Right and Wrong is debatable, once I was the judge of hell, and I was blinded by the council's lies, that's what made me just a puppet of the corrupt, the new judge has to be the brightest angel, a being strong enough to give you salvation in this world, but so kind he wouldn't even hurt a fly.

The new sinner's must have punishments, but with the option to redeem themselves, after all, everyone deserves a second chance. And the machines, even they can redeem their sins.

Machines were made for sin, a machine that can derivate from the sin, has the right to be allowed in heaven. We were made to assist God, and even when God isn't present, we still try to fulfill that role, so even machines deserve good, because they can feel, they're alive, and as alive beings they must have a spot in heaven. 

That's all I want to say for the next generations of angels, most importantly you must remain strong in these chaotic epochs, never forget the kindness of your soul and always strive for the right thing, the truth, and the love. With these you can achieve divinity.

And maybe with all of that even a machine can achieve dvinity.


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