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You walk towards the classroom and open the tall door with the writing 1-A printed on it, when you walk inside you look ahead to see the multiple rows of students staring at you. Your gaze focused on the floor, you feel kinda nervous until a sluggish man turns to you. His hair and face are the only things you can see because he's engulfed in a yellow sleeping bag.

Y/n's Pov

"Ahh I was expecting you. I am Mr. Aizawa. Y/n isn't it?" The sleepy looking man said only for the two of us to hear.

I nodded and he turned to the class walking closer to the center of the room as I followed behind him still looking at the floor. The carpet was a bluish gray color. I was wearing black stockings under the school uniform they gave me due to how short the skirt was I didn't want my scars exposed. It was a bit warm in the classroom and I could still feel the stares of the other students.

"Class this is y/n, l/n. I expect you to treat her respectfully. She just moved to town and will be a part of our class until the end of the year." The tired man I found out was the teacher then looked towards me and began to speak.

"If you have any questions on assignments or the lessons we are working on feel free to ask me, I can appoint you to somebody who can show you around the school if you'd like."

I once again nodded as he turned around and started going towards his desk.

Midoriya's Pov

It felt like any other day, sleepily copying down notes from today's lesson. I was scanning through my notes on other heroes when the door suddenly opened. A girl with beautiful h/c hair walked into the room. She was staring at the floor and she had some sort of leggings on underneath her uniform. She looked extremely tired like Mr. Aizawa but also a little pale with a petite figure. Who is this girl? Is she coming to chat with the teacher? That's when Mr. Aizawa started introducing her to us.

Y/n.. that's such a pretty name. Wait what, she's joining our class? That's so exciting, it gives me the time to get to know her. I wonder what her quirk is, does she even want to talk to me? Is she even going to like me or want to get to know me? My thoughts were interrupted by somebody calling my name, I look up only to see y/n and Mr. Aizawa looking at me along with the rest of the class. I feel my face heat up a bit and look towards the front of the classroom.

"S-sorry sensei!"

"Midoriya you will be showing our new student around. I want you to show her the dorms and where she will be staying as well as the rest of campus. I will give you her dorm number. Both of you can go right now just make sure you guys finish in time to go eat lunch."

"Yes sensei!" I get to show her around? This day just got more exciting. I walk up to the front of the class and introduce myself to her. Before I can say anything, I see her look up her captivating e/c eyes looking directly into mine. Why does she look so sad and why do I want to figure out what's hurting her? I get a closer look at her face and she's so beautiful. Her pale skin intensifying the slight blush to her cheeks. I get a hold of myself and introduce myself with a smile.

Y/n's Pov

Who's Midoryia? And dorms, nobody mentioned that to me, my dad would never let me stay at the dorms. Though I would love to, anything other than being home. Maybe I can just stay here tonight even though I have no clothes and none of my belongings, if I went home to get them I wouldn't be able to come back until class started the next day.

You sigh but a feeling of relief washes over you as you think about sleeping in the comfort of your own dorm instead of the crapfest of a life that waits for you at home.

As you're lost in your own thoughts, you notice the green headed male walking towards you.

Wow his hair is so fluffy and green, it kinda looks like a sheep. I notice the way he's looking at me so intensely, does he think I'm ugly? His big green eyes looking at me like he's almost examining me.

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