New girl - Wenclair

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nobody's POV:

It had been a whole night since Enid and Wednesday had a fight, a huge one. Usually Enid would get annoyed at Wednesdays coldness or dismissive behaviour, but this time it was different, quite the contrary. There had been this huge misunderstanding on Enid and this new girl Zoe, a dark haired masc in which was quite literally the opposite yet the same as Wednesday. Wednesday did not feel threatened by the fact that she was seen as attractive to everyone, she only sort of worried about Enid's feelings towards her. And of course, with how direct and aggressive Wednesday can sound Enid took offence to her accusations and stormed out.

Wednesday of course never really knew what you do in this situation, since she had never been in it, with Enid she feels so whole, as whole as her black heart could possibly be, if she were the grinch, Enid would be her Cindy-Lou making her 3 sizes to small heart grow 3 times bigger.

She never could explain her feelings either, she wasn't good at communicating, or physical touch, she gets socially awkward when Enid gives her a gift, and barely says words of affirmation, so what good is their relationship? Who wouldn't leave her for Zoe?

They always promised to never go to bed angry, but since Wednesday didn't know how to fix her mess she decided to wait for Enid to come back to her dorm, eventually she never did, so she decided to give in and go to bed, maybe Enid didn't care as much as she did.

Although it was quite the opposite, as guilty as Enid felt for going to Zoe to vent about her and Wednesdays fight she still went, she lost a lot of friends after a few choices she had to make earlier on in the year. After choosing Wednesday over her group of friends everyone decided to be distant with her and eventually block her out. Enid didn't care, she had Wednesday.

"I just don't understand why she would think such a thing" Enid had said as her tears dropped onto Zoe's turquoise pillow. She was laid on her stomach across her bed as Zoe stroked her blonde hair, saying nothing. Enid of course stuck out to Zoe, she stuck out to everyone, she is quite the light in everyone's lives. Zoe despised Wednesday for how she treated Enid. Wednesday despised Zoe for how she is with Enid.

"Hey Enid, can you look at me a minute?" Zoe said, as she lifted up Enid's chin with her finger. Enid's eyes slowly looked into Zoe's. A sudden weird tension filled the air, Enid felt it, but froze. She did nothing. Nothing to stop it. Nothing to save anyone from embarrassment. Zoe shifted closer to Enid, "I think I might like you"

Enid blinked heavily, her jaw slowly started to drop. Zoe suddenly closed the space between them and attached their lips together. Of course Enid pulled away as soon as she realised what had happened.

"I gotta go" Enid said as she practically ran out the door, without turning back.

How could she do that to Wednesday? They had a huge fight on something she was insanely right about, which She had denied. Now she has to tell her. Which she didn't mind, it was Wednesdays reaction she minded. She knows Wednesday well enough to know she will not keep calm, and if she is, she's plotting a murder.

Enid knocked on their dorm door, and opened it slowly. Her eyes still struck with fear. Her body felt almost stiff. Wednesday noticed the sudden change in Enid's perspective and suddenly jolted out of her desk chair. She ran slightly to Enid's side and rubbed her arm. She promised herself in her time of thinking to be a better girlfriend. She's trying.

"Enid? What happened?"

"I- You were right"

Wednesdays eyebrow arched up slightly in confusion. Her shoulders tensed up and her head tilted slightly to the left.

"Zoe.. she uh kissed me. I pulled away straight away I swear! I didn't start it she did! I promise you Wednesday it's not my fau-"


Sudden disappointment washed over Wednesday, her shoulders dropped, her head moved back to where it was. Enid could physically feel the pain in Wednesdays eyes, millions of daggers shooting through her, or so she felt.

"It's okay" she forgave. Which was quite shocking to Enid, she, too, noticed her change in perspective, ever since she walked into the room. What did Wednesday do?

Wednesday reached out for Enid's blonde strand of hair which was now covering her eye, she swept it behind her ear and smiled a tiny bit. "I don't care as long as I have you"

Wednesday pulled Enid in by her chin into a soft kiss, which had them both pulling away red. They both looked down. Somehow after months of dating, they still can get a bit flustered over each other. As they both looked up at each other, a mischievous glimmer shone on Wednesdays eyes.

"You want to do something to Zoe don't you" Enid said with a slight hint of annoyance but also a bit of a 'I know the answer' tone. Wednesday proceeds to nod, which makes Enid sigh loudly as she knew whatever her answer was, Wednesday would do what she wants.

This is going to be a long day for Zoe, Enid thought.

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