Chapter One

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A wind beneath the fairytale guild happened beginning to stir, as cold and dense. Some thing was happening yet no one had any idea.

Trapped within a reality between pain and suffering, no one ever knew what happened. Yet you were still conscious. Hearing everything that went on over the last 10 years. Hearing as the man you once loved fell into another's.

This is how things happen for the longest time, until one day the world went dark, there was no suffering, no pain, only quietness. Although you weren't fully there there was a feeling of relief for a moment. Before the world became bright once again.

This was the moment the new legend was born, the legend of Aikawa Y/N. Who would soon rise again.

For The first time in years you could feel some thing, not pain nor agony but a warm hand upon your head. Nothing like you had felt in years. Clearly, you could hear voices in which had only been muffled in the past, in which was your only last hope.

Slowly opening your eyes, all of the light seamed to make everything seam so fogged and rigged. As if you were once blind, seeing everything was a new sight to you once again.


The voice was familiar but the face couldn't be made out, not until your eyes fully adjusted. Once they were you could see a strand of pink hair laying down next to you with tears within there eyes.

"Can you hear me" the male spoke once again with a soft tone, as more tears fell down his face  as he stroke your cheek.

Blinking a couple times and looking around slowly you couldn't make our quiet where you were, but you had a feeling you had finaly made it home. Back to fairytail guild.

As you being to try to speak nothing came out, it felt as if your throat was as dry as a desert after not having anything to drink for however long. The only way you could say any thing was by giving a small smile.

Your brain couldn't comprehend how they all found you, for the only think you felt was the air.

"My dear, I am glad that you are back. Here drink" gramps said, as marijane brought you a glass of water with tears within her eyes.

Looking around you could see more faces that you recognized and loved until your face hit grey. The feelings of rage built up once again as only you and him knew the real reason of why you were gone. Watching him walk away you looked back towards Natzu and slowly sat up excepting the water and slowly taking a sip.

"Y/N why were you gone for so long" Natzu slowly spoke. His tone showed a feeling of regret and remorse as if he felt responsible.

Building up the strength to talk you slowly began to manage to get words out in a broken tone. "I-I was asleep, a spell casted on me by my brother- I've been here the whole time". For what you spoke wasn't the full truth but it was all anyone really needed to know.

Looking around you could see tears in everyone's eyes, until you finally stood up. Weakly and looked around.

"A new guild member I see, we haven't quiet met" you spoke looking to your right to see a woman behind Natzu. She looked nervous but how couldn't she.

The blond woman took a step forwards and gave a shaken smile. "Lucy Heartfelia" she spoke with a shake to her voice.

Smiling you gave a small wave "Aikawa Y/N, air dragon slayer" your voice now began to build power back into it. "Now someone needs to catch me up with what happened sense I've left" you spoke slowly.

Everyone turned as the heard strong defined foot steps coming from being the crowd of drunken members, only to revel the second most powerful. Erza Scarlett.

"We do have catching up to do, everyone you have jobs to do" she spoke strongly and showed her hand for you to follow.

As you begging to follow her you looked behind you to see Natsu still crying, but this time the young blond girl was behind him holding him. Sending a message to you without knowing.


Looking around as the two of you stood outside you relised a lot has changed. Not just the guild but the people within, everyone had grown stronger as you stayed the same. Lost in thoughts you slowly snapped out of it.

"Natzu likes blonds now huh" you said jokingly trying to push things off. You knew he wouldn't wait for you nor should he have. It wouldn't have been fair.

She slowly looked at you and placed a arm over your shoulder, giving you a sign of 'your safe with me'.

"I mean I didn't even think I would get out of that hell so I am glad he is happy and I know it, what about you Sister are you happy" you asked hoping she couldn't be.

With a small chuckle she gave you a smile "I am as much as I can be." She spoke giving a small pause. "He's not around anymore, or he is but no memories" she spoke slowly moving her arm back to her side.

Knowing she was in pain you changed the subject. "I can't believe grey is still in this guild, I would have thought he would be gone by now." You spoke, your tone changed once greys name was spoken out of your mouth.

Laughing Erza looked at you "he's not that bad, he cares about all of us even if he's causing fights with Natzu all of the time-" as she was speaking a voice could be heard from beind the two of you.

"C-can we talk Y/N?" A males voice spoke.

The pink hair boy stood there with a red nose and swollen eyes. The pain was there, the same pain that you could hear in your sleep every day.

Looking at Erza you nodded, showing her it was okay to give them a minute. Understanding, the strong warrior walked away giving a nod of reassurance.

"I'm happy for you Natzu" you spoke slowly, making yourself as strong as you could be showing no signs of weekness.

Ever sense the two of you were children there was no taking away the feelings they had. From missions to sleeping they never left each others side until that one day ten years ago.

"Natsu I'll be fine, I will be back in a couple hours. I have grey by my side even though I won't need his help" you spoke softly as you kissed his head.

He looked at you with worried eyes "Y/N I can protect you better then him, just let me come please! I don't want you to fight him without me?! What if something happened. It will be my mistake." His words longed within your heart.

Giving a small smile your head told you to lisson to him but you knew no one else could defeat them. Not saying a single word back you quickly grabbed the pink hair boy by the scarf and placed a gentle but meaningful kiss upon his lips.

As you slowly pulled away you whispered something against his lips "I will be back because ... I love you" you spoke gently against his lips and let him go. Walking out of the guilds doors knowing you may not make it out.

Snapping out of your memories you could feel a small tear running down your face, as the bravery you had once shown was not able to lie. Only the truth is what had once made you strong.

Swallowing the lump of words your wanted to say, your eyes could not leave his as if the two of you were trapped in one crazy game.

"I should have been there" his words were spoken soft and shallow. "I-I never got to tell yo-"

As he begain you quickly put a hand to his mouth, knowing what he may say. "You found the one who won't leave- don't mess this up for yourself." You paused. The words you never wanted to say had finaly come out, they were the once's that broke you the most.

His eyes starred in disbelief as tears ran down both of your eyes, as if your souls had be bonded.

"You have your person now Natzu and I can find mine, for now we're the best of friends. Forever" your voice became quiet as you slowly moved your hand.

His lips slowly began to grin as he wiped his eyes, which wasn't very helpful as he was still in tears over the fact he knew you spoke the truth. Instead of words he quickly grabbed you pulling you into the tightest hug you had ever had in your life.

"Let's drink for tonight Aika" he spoke slowly into your ear.

'Aika' a nickname once given to you as children, one you hadn't heard in years.

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