Day 2

68 19 1

Down ...

Deep down ... inside ..

I make a decision ... a promise ..

I take an oath ...

I had a confession to me ...

I say ...

I say

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I ...

am a sinner ...

Tuesday ...

Morning .. it was raining outside ...

feeling cold , had to wrap myself in the

blanket ...

I was home alone ...

candles among me were filling up the

room with their presence ...

fulfilling my loneliness ...

It was getting closer to afternoon before

I hear my door being knocked ...

and Samael comes in ...

holding my favourite coffee in his left hand ..

"still awake ? ... " he asked ..

I take the cup from him ... starring into his beautiful eyes that were created from fire ...

" I can't sleep before my father comes home ..." I said ..

pausing for a moment ... he gave me a

little smile while bringing out a bundle

of tarot cards ... before asking me ..

" would you like to play ? ... "

That time ... I can sense my father ..

trying to find an answer behind my

true form ...

Lewis : " Throughout these years .. so you're telling me ... that she has been religiously extremist ..."

My father : " still ... I haven't got used to see ... how she has .. changed alot "

Lewis : " I guess she has so ..."

Samael shuffling the cards : " Are you ready ? "

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