Day 1

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I tried my best to bring a picture of a school that looks like mine ...

It was sunset ...

I was just sitting there next to my favourite spot reading the bible ...

I know what my schoolmates were saying ...

I can hear them from afar ...

April : " And guess what , ... Ms Madden finally had chosen her cousin to be the one who can marry her sis...

Riya ? ...

Are you okay ... ? what you looking at ? "

Riya : " I feel bad for her ... "

April : " oh please Riya ...
it's not the right time to get ourselves in a trouble "

Riya : " seriously , sister ... I wonder how loneliness could be so hard on her ... "

April : " yeah I know but ... "

Riya : " I'm going to sit with her ... she must be having a hard time and needs some company ... "

April : " No wait ! ... Remember what Ms Madden told us about her "

Riya : "I don't care about such rumours, April ... "

April : " Trust me ... you're really gonna end up messed with someone like her .."

Riya : " I am going to talk to her ... Are you coming with me or not ?! ... "

" Martha ? ... "

" Are you alright , sister ... ? "

I Just gave her ... a warm smile ...

" your smile always says you're fine ...
thank Lord  "

" you know what , sister ... sometimes I just can't ...

find myself accepted among the others ... I do the same as you ... "

" I follow the sun rays ... so I can find my true self ...  "

" So I can ... be like you ... truly loved by the Lord from inside ... whatever they say about me ... "

I said nothing but kept smiling to you Riya ...

I  just ...

felt her trailing off  for a moment ...

"Jesus Christ ..."

" M..Martha ...

"  .. the hell is that mark on your neck ? "

I paused for a moment ...

before I  caressed the hickey on my neck with my fingers to feel it ...

And then I said ...

" I just ... hurt myself .. "

That moment you can hear Madden coming towards me with anger...

I'm scared ...

" Martha Grey !!  ... "

" you come with me ... right now !! "

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