work smarter, not harder

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"And...Done." Areum smiled, looking at the 20 page document she printed out

"You're going to get fired at this rate" Haechan chuckled, watching her staple the 20 pages together with a proud smirk

"Don't care. He can shove these twenty pages up his ass until he bleeds to death from paper cuts" she growled making Haechan chuckle as he sipped on his cup of coffee

"Easy tiger. What if he reads it?" He asked, looking at the essay that she stole off the internet after searching for 'Medical ethics paper by Dr. Na Jaemin' and merely changing the name to hers.

"It's 20 pages, he has better shit to be doing like cutting people open and poking their brains" she shrugged and he hummed

"I could've at least used AI to rephrase it, this is just straight up plagiarism" Haechan said, passing the essay back to her but she could care less

"He said he wanted a twenty page essay. He never said I couldn't steal one off the internet. Work smarter, not harder Lee" she said making him roll his eyes

"Great, now you can come see me fuck up in the OR" Haechan said with a nervous groan

"At least you get to be in the OR" she sighed, waving at him before rushing towards Jaemin's office.

She had exactly 1 minute and 27 seconds to hand in her essay before Jaemin would leave towards the OR. Running around the hospital when it wasn't necessary was strictly against the rules as it sparked panic in patients, but that didn't run through her mind either. Entering an office without knocking was also looked down upon in the workplace, but her mind didn't regard that either. Not until she was faced with a shirtless Jaemin in the middle of his office

"You been working out?" She smirked, leaning against the door as she let herself and closed it. Jaemin turned around with surprise, watching her eyes scan his upper body as she licked her lips.

"Hey, eyes up here" Jaemin said with an annoyed expression, clicking his fingers to get her attention. She rolled her eyes and stepped towards him as he threw on a shirt, buttoning it up infront of her

"Here, 20 pages like you asked" she said, holding it out for him. His eyes looked to hers again before looking down at the paper and back up to hers

"Read it to me" he said and she scoffed

"What? You can't fucking read now?" She asked, anxiety slowly creeping up on her as she realised Haechan was right, she should've atleast tweaked it a bit. Jaemin looked at her with unimpressed eyes and she sighed, looking down at the essay

"An overview of medical ethics, an essay by Jung Areum" she started, words leaving her mouth slowly as she looked for a quick way to escape the grave she had dug herself into. She cleared her throat before reading the paper as he placed his watch in his wrist

"In the realm of medicine, where science and humanity converge, ethical considerations form the cornerstone of decision-making. Modern medical ethics has evolved to embrace a framework guided by four fundamental principles: autonomy, beneficence, non-maleficence, and justice. These principles serve as—"

"Is this..." Jaemin trailed off, his hands reaching for the essay making her take two steps back as he furrowed his brows and read the words

"Is this mine?" Jaemin asked, looking up at her with disbelief

"'s just similar to y—"

"Similar? Areum this is word for word my research paper that I did two years ago" Jaemin scoffed, flicking through the pages to see his work regurgitated and shown back to him

"So what you're moving from medical negligence to plagiarism now? Did you cover that in the essay too?" Jaemin asked with a dry laugh, ripping the pages up in his hands before tossing them by the low coffee table

"You're unbelievable" he said, shaking his head at her with his hands now resting by his hips as she slightly cowered from how serious he was being

"I just wanted in on this surgery okay?" She asked with a sigh, dropping her hands by her side in despair as she watched him look at her with disappointment. And that seemed to shake her to her core more than when he looked angry yesterday

"Well good luck getting in any surgery after this" Jaemin said, turning away from her and grabbing his white coat from the back of a chais

"How am I going to pass my internship without standing in on any surgeries? I'm behind everyone else! This is so unfair Jaem—"

"You want to talk about fair? You really wanna go down that road right now?" He asked with a scoff, reaching towards his book shelf to grab three thick books before walking back towards

"Study these and just give me 2 pages tomorrow morning" Jaemin said, she parted her lips to remind him of how busy she was everything else she could be doing instead of writing this essay but he shook his head at her again

"Just two pages Areum. Can you do that for me?" He asked, practically pleading her at this point

"Why?" She asked with a low voice, feeling an immense sense of guilt take over her as she looked into his eyes that showed nothing but disappointment and tiredness

"Because then I'll know you're at least trying. Show me that you care even the slightest bit about the responsibility that comes with this job. Show me have just a grain of respect for me" he pleaded making her fall silent

"I'm sorry" she said with a small voice, looking down towards her feet as she twiddled her thumbs

"Don't just say it, prove it" he said softly, pushing the books into her hands. She nodded and took the books from his grip. She looked up at him as he nodded, a blank expression on his face before he turned around and walked towards his door

"And Jaemin?" She called out, making him turn around and raise his brows at her

"I'm sorry for calling you...daddy" she said sheepishly, scratching the back of her neck. He let out an airy laugh, shaking his head.

"You know, for all the things you did owe an apology for...that wasn't one of them" he said and she groaned playfully, covering her face with her hand as he closed the door to his office.

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